okwatts wrote:
Hi Bill and floobydust I have downloaded and tried this version of Bill's on the CRC65. Without having any real answers I have a few observations.
1) when programs end with a warm boot the system always reverts to drive A even if you have been working on another drive. I presume this is somehow related to what floobydust mentioned about the default drive parameter in his new PEM.
2) Basic (Microsoft version) can save programs but if you try and load them the system hangs. Not sure what has changed from version 3.
3) I haven't tried to recompile DBASIC (ehbasic) for the new TEA so I can't comment on save and load on that.
The reason for warm boot reverting to drive A is because I write 0x0 to iostat in my warm boot routine. That was a leftover from troubleshooting a problem and I forgot to remove it. Search for the word ";diagnostic" and you'll find 5 consecutive instructions in wboot routine. These instructions can (should be) be removed.
I, too, find BASIC unable to load file--it hangs just as you've said. This is different than rev 3.0 DOS/65. It appears able to save file with the command, SAVE "FILENAME.BAS". I'll check into possible zero page conflict.
Attached is DBASIC (EhBASIC) with TEA changed to 0x400. Instruction for installing it in DOS/65:
1. At DOS/65 prompt, type "go $b400" to run CRC65 monitor.
2. In CRC65 monitor environment, send DBASIC.HEX to CRC65
3. At CRC Monitor prompt, type "gdc00" to boot DOS/65
4. At DOS/65 prompt, type "save 44 dbasic.com" to install DBASIC.
In DBASIC you can load FILENAME.BAS with "LOAD A:FILENAME" and you can save FILENAME.BAS with "SAVE A:FILENAME". FILENAME.BAS is a binary file, not human readable.