Math Appreciation Day 2023 at Central Texas College was a success! We had a significant amount of folks in the morning time, a dedicated few in the afternoon, and our speaker was a firmware engineer from Apple! She told the students what life was like in the corporate world, and how to better get a job in the workplace. Such a needed presentation!
Attached are some pictures, You can see my setup had some of my video games:
1) A Roguelike game on Linux.
2) A Tetris clone on my latest Acolyte SBC.
3) Conway's Game of Life on the Arduino connected to my Serial VGA module.
4) A Space Invaders clone on an older Acolyte SBC.
5) A two-player Gradius clone on Linux.
By the time another year rolls around, I might have enough Acolyte revisions laying around that I don't even need to use Linux PCs anymore! That means I just need to make more games, oh shucks
Thank you everyone, y'all also pitched in to make this a success. Fruits, of your patience with me!