Happy belated pi day!
My latest CS-101 Forth program computes pi using 16 bit fixed point arithmetic.
Link in github:
https://github.com/Martin-H1/Forth-CS-101/blob/master/pi.fsWhen run it produces this output:
pi ok 2
.s <2> 25733 8192 ok 2
That's approximately 3.1412 which isn't half bad for 16 bits. I tested a 24 bit version and it was accurate to six decimal places. It should be possible to use a 32 bit double word arithmetic for better precision. The basic logic would remain the same. It might be a neat enhancement to perform the division and output the digits in decimal. But I will have to think that one over.
Here's the raw code if you don't want to follow the link:
\ Calculate pi using the Nilakantha infinite series. While more complicated
\ than the Leibniz formula, it is fairly easy to understand, and converges
\ on pi much more quickly.
\ The formula takes three and alternately adds and subtracts fractions with
\ a numerator of 4 and denominator that is the product of three consecutive
\ integers. So each subsequent fraction begins its set of integers with the
\ highest value used in the previous fraction.
\ Described in C syntax n starts at 2 and iterates to the desired precision.
\ pi = 3 + 4/((n)*(++n)*(++n)) - 4/((n)*(++n)*(++n)) + ...
\ Here's a three iteration example with an error slightly more than 0.0007.
\ pi = 3 + 4/(2*3*4) - 4/(4*5*6)
\ + 4/(6*7*8) - 4/(8*9*10)
\ + 4/(10*11*12) - 4/(12*13*14)
\ = 3.14088134088
\ normally this requires floating point arithmetic, but we're using fixed point
\ multiplying by a scaling factor and returned as a ratio.
1 13 lshift constant rescale
rescale 3 * constant three
rescale 4 * constant four
variable n
\ calculates (n)*(++n)*(++n)
: denominator ( -- product )
n @ dup 1+ dup 1+ dup n ! * * ;
\ calculates a single scaled quotient term
: quotient ( -- q )
four denominator / ;
\ calculates Qn - Qn+1
: calc_term ( -- q )
quotient quotient - ;
\ Computes pi as a ratio of integers
: pi ( -- numerator denominator )
2 n !
calc_term dup 0> while +
rescale ;