Howdy everyone!
I'm trying to port fig-Forth to my upcoming 65816 SBC. But I am getting some very strange results already! Attached is the code I'm using and the results from it from my simulator. The fuzzy characters might be control characters that are just coming in as garbage pixels, but regardless the rest is very readable. These only pop up when I hit any key, like 'A' or 'Enter', it doesn't matter what key I hit. Is this... usual behavior?
My big question is: How do you port this thing?! So far what I think I'm doing is changing some addresses:
0054 0000 ; Monitor calls for terminal support
0055 0000 ;
0056 0000 OUTCH =$D2C1 ; output one ASCII character to termina
0057 0000 INCH =$D1DC ; input one ASCII character from termina
0058 0000 TCR =$D0F1 ; terminal return and line feed
0162 026F ; Monitor routines needed to trace
0163 026F ;
0164 026F XBLANK =$D0AF Print one blank
0165 026F CRLF =$D0D2 Print a carriage return and line feed
0166 026F HEX2 =$D2CE Print accum as two hex numbers
0167 026F LETTER =$D2C1 Print accumulator as one ASCII character
0168 026F ONEKEY =$D1DC Wait for keystroke, into accum.
These are from the Listing file. All I did was change the addresses to some other place in memory (right after the end of this code BTW). With my subroutine extras at the bottom of this code, everything fits in $0200 to $1FFF range.
1) What is the difference between OUTCH and LETTER?
2) What is the difference between INCH and ONEKEY?
3) What is the difference between TCR and CRLF?
I can't give you reliable altered code because it's frankly all in hex right now. Weird indeed
Thank you for any insight you might have.