I started a new thread so this wasn't buried in the previous discussion.
The code for my Apple 1 emulator on the Adafruit SAMD21 boards is now available at:
https://github.com/rkincaid/a1plusThe system has been built and tested on Adafruit Trinket M0 and Neo Trinkey boards. It includes three flavors of BASIC and a number of built-in programs. I added a fair amount of documentation for how to run and what to expect. I estimate it's running at the equivalent of about a 0.8Mhz clock. Slightly slower than a real Apple I, but quite usable.
I'm using the Arduino version of Mike Chambers emulator with Mike B's BCD patch. So EhBasic returns the proper values for the HEX$ function.
Give it a look if you're interested. I'd be interested if anybody gives it a try or has any other feedback.
It's a bit of a parlor trick to run this on such tiny boards, but they work surprisingly well.