I’m an old x86 assembler programmer, and have spent many happy hours (!) tracing through firmware code on 8088 in-circuit emulators in the late 80s and early 90s. Just looking at the 6502 world again after a 30 year break. Have found it difficult to source a 6502 ICE. I know there are modern systems based around GODIL, etc. But as an old timer, I’d prefer an ICE from the past.
Just to be clear, I’m talking about a hardware ICE that comes with a header that you plug into the socket the 6502 CPU normally sits in, that provides disassembly, tracing and real hardware breakpoints for code in ROM. That I can connect to the target, switch on, and use via a Windows-type screen ideally on a PC. Not one where I have to build or compile anything (to create the ICE) or run from Linux - I'm an old dog, and new tricks like compiling stuff for GODIL are beyond my comprehension. Plus I just want to use it to debug code, not to recreate the 6502 in another form.
So if anyone knows where I could source a purpose-built 6502 ICE that would be really helpful. I've searched high and low for a Microtek/Micetek EasyPack 6502F. If anyone has an old ICE they no longer need then I'd be interested in possibly buying it