Here is a listing of all Kowalski simulator pseudo-ops of which I am aware. Unfortunately, the only definitive documentation for the simulator is in Polish, so I may have missed some.
IO_AREA ;define console I/O area address (no leading [b].[/b] in IO_AREA)
.ASCII .BYTE .DB ;define static data, such as strings, tables, etc.
.ASCIS ;like .BYTE, but w/bit 7 of last byte set to mark the end-of-string
.DBYTE .DD ;assemble big-endian word
.DCB ;equivalent to *=*+N, where N is arg to .DCB,...
;w/optional initialization pattern, e.g., .DCB 10,$FF, which will
;reserve 10 bytes & fill them with $FF
.DS .RS ;equivalent to *=*+N, where N is arg to .DS or .RS
.DW .WORD ;assemble little-endian word
.ELSE ;conditional assembly directive
.END ;mark end of source file, optional
.ENDIF ;mark end of conditional assembly
.ENDM ;mark end of macro definition
.ENDR ;mark end of repeated text
.ERROR ;emit error message & halt assembly, e.g., .ERROR "operand out of range"
.EXITM ;halt continued macro expansion
.IF ;start conditional assembly
.INCLUDE ;insert contents of named source file
.IO_WND ;define console I/O window size (cols, rows)
.MACRO ;mark start of macro definition
.OPT ;set assembly options
.ORG ;set start of assembly address, also * = <addr>
.PARAMTYPE ;determine macro parameter type:1 = numeric, 2 = string
.REF ;determine if label/symbol was defined, e.g., .IF .REF(abc) evaluates true if abc has been defined
.REPEAT .REPT ;repeat following text N times
.ROM_AREA ;set simulator's write-protected address range
.SET ;(re)define variable value, e.g., .SET .=
.START ;set simulator start of execution address
.STR .STRING ;generate text string, 1st byte is length
.STRLEN ;determine macro parameter string length
You can glean some additional information about using these pseudo-ops by placing the cursor on the pseudo-op name and pressing Ctrl-F1, where Ctrl is the control key. Not all pseudo-ops have been documented.