
[104] TCP/IP stack
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Author:  sysoptxg [ Sun Mar 11, 2001 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  [104.1] TCP/IP stack


Is there somebody who has created a full working TCP/IP stack on a 6502 or SLIP/PPP...


Author:  II (FOURSALE) [ Mon Mar 19, 2001 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  [104.2] TCP/IP stack

I don't know about 6502, but 65816 TCP/IP stack has been acheived by a guy named Richard Bennett in Austrailia (see apple2.org)

I read around and the guy was (is?) willing to let someone else port it to the 6502. It is now an "open source project" so you should be able to get the source easily.

You'll have to write your 6502 TCP/IP aware programs too... Web browser, email, newsgroups, etc.


Author:  6502man [ Thu Jul 26, 2001 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  [104.3] TCP/IP stack

Nothing like 4 month old reply :) In case anyone still wonders, yes this has been done many times by people who used computers based on the 6502. I mean the commodore 64, apple II, atari 800, etc. Today there are cross development tools for unix, mac, and pc (dos/windows) with assemblers and simulators, and several very good multitasking kernels, full ansi C compilers, unix like mini systems and so on.
The best place to look is on the enthusiast sites of these home computers. Look for "commodore ring" for example and that will lead you there. Also search for "commodore assembly".
For a tcp/ip integrated into a full web browser, see Maurice Randall's The Wave.
Also search for "Poldi's Slip".
These software are meant to work with a UART, in some cases there are drivers for direct i/o with a CIA port (3 wire software interface).

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