I've developed a very small bootstrap monitor for the 6502which listens for an Intel Hex download from the serialport (6551) and fills memory as it downloads programsor data at 19200,n,8,1. At this speed, most program downloads go pretty fast.I stuffed a copy of this at:http://www.shortwaveplanet.com/intelhex.asm in caseanyone is interested.If it hears Intel hex, and gets to the "end" record withno bad checksum records, it will jump to $0200 (or whateveryou define instead) and run the just-downloaded program.There are currently no timeouts, and I deliberately run with interrupts and handshaking off, to keepthings maximally simple and as hardware-independentas possible. Some error cases take you back to try again,while others hang waiting for the "second" character of a hex value that never arrives.It's primitive, but seems like just the think for anexperimenter PCB, so you don't have to burn EPROMs forprogram development.-- Ross
_________________ The economy isn't "Grapes of Wrath", but it is getting
to be "Raisins of Regret."
-- Ross