
[80] 6522
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Author:  Erithros [ Wed Dec 06, 2000 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  [80.1] 6522

I want to ask anyone who knows :
->Is the timer of 6522 compable of tracking time for purposes likes activating a water pump at a specific time of the day?
-->A device which is connected to 6502 through 6522 how it is selected?
--->The lines of 6522(PA0-PA7 and PB0-PB7) can each one of them connect with a different device(e.g. a different sensor)?
---->How is the priority handled inside 6522?

p.s:Sorry for my english

Author:  ratboy666 [ Fri Dec 15, 2000 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  [80.2] 6522

Yes, the timer can be used for time of day... *BUT*

you will need some software... The timer is not time of day,
but counts down based on the chip clock. The chip clock will
be crystal driven, so will be a reasonably accurate time base
(well, at least as good as your digital watch). If you program
a particular down count, then when it is finished, you have
to adjust the software maintained time of day by the count.

As to how to select devices with the '22 - You can latch
some of the output bits and use that to select a device

(pump, whatever). How you do this depends on the number
of pumps (or other) that you want to control.

As to priorities - The 6502 has NMI and IRQ. Whatever you
wire to the IRQ -- you will have to write software to determine
what caused it...


Author:  GARTHWILSON [ Sat Dec 16, 2000 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  [80.3] 6522

This discussion has also made its way to "For 6502 -6522" under "General discussion".


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