
[74] KIM-1 Heads out there!
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Author:  ratboy666 [ Mon Nov 13, 2000 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  [74.1] KIM-1 Heads out there!

I have been looking for some KIM-1 software (Microchess and ADE).
I have a source for Microchess, but not ADE yet. I am also looking
for KIM-1 BASIC (the one that loads at $2000). Possibly the
book "First Book of KIM".

My KIM-1 emulator is operational. It does keypad and TTY. I simulate
the system 6530 but I don't do the timer (yet). As a result, cassette
i/o won't work. But the KIM monitor can load and save programs
to the TTY device. If you are interested in a copy (NO SOURCE YET),
drop me a line at fred_weigel@hotmail.com.. Requirements are:

Pentium 133 or better
16MB RAM minimum recommended
Linux 2.2.x

The KIM-1 monitor ROM runs without patching now.


Author:  bill malcolm (nerdman100) [ Thu Nov 30, 2000 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  [74.2] KIM-1 Heads out there!

RE: kim basic -- I may have it on tape somewhere I will look and post later for you. good luck


Author:  ratboy666 [ Sat Dec 02, 2000 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  [74.3] KIM-1 Heads out there!

That would be fabulous.

I have Microchess running on my KIM-1 simulator now...
and fig-FORTH 6502. Adding BASIC would be very neat...

The format MOST useful is kim-1 paper tape format. My
simulator runs the KIM-1 ROM, and emulates a TTY device
with paper tape. I do emulate the timer chips, but haven't
wired the tape i/o to the host soundcard (so cassette
tape i/o isn't there yet). If its a cassette tape,
I'll have to write some software to decode it...

And now for the missing piece -- resident assembler/editor
for KIM (preferably Micro ware ADE).


Author:  bill malcolm (nerdman100) [ Sat Dec 02, 2000 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  [74.4] KIM-1 Heads out there!

HI I will look for other kim stuff this weekend and advise you next week. bill...

Author:  Mike Naberezny [ Thu Dec 07, 2000 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  [74.5] KIM-1 Heads out there!

Hi guys,

Art Human was kind enough to send me a very nice photocopy of The First Book of KIM. Expect to see it start appearing online in PDF in the coming months. If there's anything in particular anyone needs from it let me know. There are many good KIM programs and a lot of great general purpose 6502 routines in there as well.

Best Regards,

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