
[11] Software for KIM
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Author:  slohani [ Sun Dec 26, 1999 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  [11.1] Software for KIM

I believe that most 6502 kits can be made to emulate KIM-1.
I have done the same for my homebuilt 6502 system.
Where can I find popular software for KIM-1- in particular the Microsoft KB-9 BASIC?

Author:  LELANDGOERTZ [ Thu Jan 06, 2000 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  [11.2] Software for KIM

I beleive that KB-9 Basic is identical to the Basic that runs on the SYM-1 other than a few base page location definitions.

I have Basic for the SYM-1 and the base page differences between it and the KIM. If you are interested, you can contacted me at kd6mzu@attitude.com

Always glad to help!


Author:  Mike Naberezny [ Fri Jan 07, 2000 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  [11.3] Software for KIM

Perhaps we should all take a look at it for adapting to the new 6502 printed circuit board we're working on. It would be neat to have a high level language.

Author:  slohani [ Thu Jan 20, 2000 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  [11.4] Software for KIM

Our 6502 PCB project definitely requires application software.Seeing your specs,I think many of us will already be having similar boards.The differences will be in the address decoding,clock speed and some support chips.

If the specs can be finalised,we should spell out the definitions and register usage of standard I/O routines and fix their vectors.It may then be possible to adapt software for KIM/SYM as well as programs written by us to work on this board.Software that used teletype as I/O is specially easy to adapt - this includes several BASIC/FORTH translators.

This can proceed concurrently with hardware refinements as long as they don't affect the basic model.

We should also make an attempt to catalogue third party software for early 1st generation 6502 boards with source code where available (such as the Microsoft KB-9 BASIC for KIM-1).A lot of such software was available in cassettes.Perhaps one of the owners of KIM/SYM/AIM-65 can read in and post the software on the web.

Are we planning to make our board compatible to some other board?

Author:  acierno [ Sat Mar 11, 2000 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  [11.5] Software for KIM

Just wondering if you( or anyone else had success if finding software for the KIM-1??? I've been looking everyware and have no luck :-(. If anyone out there has any programs from the KIM (especially tiny basic) PLEASE let me know!



Author:  gregqci [ Wed Mar 15, 2000 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  [11.6] Software for KIM

I have also developed my own 65C02 board but I did so before I knew any of you existed. I thought I was mostly alone.
I also feel that it is important to develope standards for board connections, development software and high level language. The development software and high level language at a modest price is perhaps the most important for success.


Author:  Mike Naberezny [ Wed Mar 15, 2000 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  [11.7] Software for KIM

Hi Greg,

Check out our Printed Circuit Board Design Project in the other threads. We attempting to standardize it like you speak of and I'm hoping to have at least one high level language ported to it.
Is your 65C02 computer on the web? If not, please publish it! This goes for everyone. I will be more than happy to provide space on the www.6502.org server for anyone who needs space to publish pages with 6502 content.

Author:  gregqci [ Wed Mar 15, 2000 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  [11.8] Software for KIM

Thanks for the fast response. I will gather my stuff together and do as you asked (give me a few days) but I'm relatively new to the web and its ways.


Author:  ratboy666 [ Mon Dec 18, 2000 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  [11.9] Software for KIM

I have ported figFORTH 6502 to the KIM-1.

Requires a healthy dose of RAM though... you might get by
with 8KB (but 16KB would be better)...

At the VERY least, you will need a terminal wired to your
KIM-1. Better would be 8" SSSD floppy disc (old 8" IBM
style drive, single sided, single density).

I can supply you with (1) KIM-1 hex tape image for basic
figFORTH with patching instructions for a custom terminal/disc.

(2) an image of a SSSD floppy diskette containing screens
for figFORTH (not guaranteed useful -- eg. the editor is VERY

What I *can't* provide... a cassette image of the software.
No way on this one. I am running this on my JRI emulator, and
it just doesn't do cassette yet.

Send your email address to "fred_weigel@hotmail.com" if you're
at interested.


Author:  GARTHWILSON [ Wed Dec 20, 2000 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  [11.10] Software for KIM

Have you fixed the bugs in the FIG Forth model? The one that comes to mind right now is in UM/MOD, which gives incorrect answers with high input numbers. I rewrote it to take care of that, then found out years later that others had done the same thing (although I haven't seen what their solution was). Let me know if you don't have it, and I'll send you the fix.

Garth Wilson

Author:  ratboy666 [ Wed Dec 20, 2000 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  [11.11] Software for KIM


I fixed a few things -- there were some signed/unsigned issues
but I am not 100% sure that I have them all. If you have a log
of fixes, please email them, and I will incorporate.

On another figFORTH note... figFORTH assumes a terminal that
DOESN'T ECHO. The KIM monitor assumes a terminal that does.
Of course this makes stuff like a full screen editor problematic...

My current implementation assumes that echo can be turned off,
which is probably not reasonable on things like ASR-33 TTYs.

Simple fix is to remove the echo from the input function in
figFORTH, BUT... what ramifications will this have on FORTH

Maybe I'll leave the echo in, and provide instructions to
patch the object to remove it... Which is the better for
general delivery?


Author:  ratboy666 [ Wed Dec 20, 2000 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  [11.12] Software for KIM

SYM BASIC has to be different in the following areas:

1 - SYM ROM is around $8000 is it not? Anyway, the ROM calls
would need conversion.

2 - SYM BASIC assumes $100+ to the ROM is RAM. KIM-1 interrupts
the space with the KIM ROM and i/o

3 - page zero differences (you are right) -- but... after
going through the map, the SYM assignments seem ok for KIM.

So... what I have done is to take the SYM BASIC image (at $C000)
and loaded it into my JRI KIM-1 emulator. I ran the image, and
determined the $8xxx locations being calls (init, key in, char out),
and put patch routines at those locations that invoked the KIM-1

With this, I was able to get SYM BASIC up -- to the signon message,
and the memory size question, after which it hung in a loop.
I may have time to look at this over the holidays...

The main problem is going to be the memory base issue -- KIM-1
can have around 4K of memory useable to SYM, so I'll have to find
the base address and change it to $2000 to be more useful. And...
limit the auto ram finder to stop before clobbering anything. And...
patch the SYM image to use emulation routines at $0200 instead of
$8000. Quite a lot of work...


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