To be honest, I don't really remember where the idea for this project came from. Pete McCollum was e-mailing me at the time this started and we were discussing it, perhaps it was his idea or mine. At least two other people had suggested it also at one point or another. Pete and I started playing with ideas and I made the project web page. I started getting regular e-mails from others about it so I opened the forum and this thread. I am starting to think the forum was a really great idea. It wasn't mine though.
There was never a purpose defined for the board, other than my description of it as a "general-purpose" board. It seems most people interested are going to use it as some type of controller, for a robot, home automation, a wind instrument, whatever. The basic idea was you could use it for just about anything, especially considering its expandibility.
I'm really not sure what I'm going to do with mine. I think that as an experiment I'm going to make twenty or thirty and teach a college class with them. By that time I hope to have enough reference material and even tutorials online at
www.6502.org to make this possible. I'd say about 1/5 of the site visitors that e-mail me are students.
The original idea was that user I/O was going to be done through the serial port. You could use the monitor program (or anything else you're running on the board) through the serial port on a PC, then unplug the PC and the board can use the serial port for anything else also. Personally I think that an LCD and a keypad are too bulky to put on the board but would make a good stacked expansion card. I don't know if this opinion is shared but I suspect it is. One of the design goals is "small size". Nothing is set in stone though.
I'd like RS-485 also if it can be implemented simply. I worked with devices that use it but I've never designed anything with it.
I'm impressed with the volume of messages flowing through here and the regular visitors. Keep up the good work guys.
I'm sure this is going to be a great board when we're done arguing about it.