I meant emulator.
A board, with a PowerPC, or Pentium, (or, for that matter an Alpha) that plugs into a 6502 family computer, and has a software emulator for the host machine's CPU, giving the host vastly improved speed.
I mentioned the 65816 because it can run do hardware emulation of 6502 and 65c02 chips, as well as it's own native code. Bernie II the Rescue, for instance, emulates an entire Apple //GS on a PowerMac, with emulated speeds upto 20 times faster than the original (depending on the Mac of course) and that emulates in software ALL the //GS hardware.
I'd rather see a board in my Apple //GS, or IIe or Atari 800 that only emulates the CPU, while I use the I/O, sound and graphics of the original machine. Kinda like dropping a large V8 into my `68 VW Beetle
Exegete AKA Roy Miller
Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Apple ][ forever!