Since the smaller CF media cards (<2GB) are becoming harder to find, and cost as much as larger media cards, I was asked it were possible to modify the adpater to work with larger media. The simplest method was to have the Format command restrict the first partition size to 2GB. Before, it would just allocate the entire reported free space and would fail if more then 2GB were present.
I have updated the firmware of the FAT16 CF/IDE adapter to allow for devices over 2GB to be connected. FAT16 still limits the partition size to 2GB so you will have to run the Format Volume routine before you can access the drive. The remaining memory will be in unallocated (unpartitioned) space. You could use third-party tools to create a secondary partition for the remaining space if you desire. However, the adapter can only access the first partition. Also, you will need a third-party tool to remove the smaller partition if you want to restore the media to full size. I can help with these steps if they are necessary.
The updated firmware (v2.0) has been placed on my website and is linked here:!
Please visit my website ->