It looks like you're right.
Ruud, to keep the white space, you need to put [co
de] and [/code] around the code. Also, replace tabs with spaces, since the forum software messes them up sometimes. You might need to copy and paste into a text editor to see what you're doing better, then copy from there and paste to the forum when you're happy with it. What you'll get is as shown here:
LDA Itempl ; get temporary integer low byte
LDY Itemph ; get temporary integer high byte
CPY #<Ram_base+1 ; compare with start of RAM+$100 high byte
BCC LAB_GMEM ; if too small go try again
It is the line starting with CPY that puzzles me, shouldn't it have been:
CPY #>Ram_base+1 ; compare with start of RAM+$100 high byte