Hi All!
Well, I converted that CMOS version for CA65 and it actually worked like a charm!
(no surprise there)
Very nice to have a no-IRQ/NMI version with a clean ZeroPage use!
Then I ported it to my full fledged system where I got the original issue and guess what...
But, I found the culprit in the end...
The CHROUT routine needs to return with the original byte back in the accumulator!And my routine clobbered that... So a simple PHA/PLA combination did the trick.
Issue fixed.
Now I have one more issue, unrelated, but maybe floobydust could help me out:
How do i set the terminal width to 0 (infinite) in the code?
I need to enter WIDTH 0 when I first start EhBasic to play nice with my screen routine
(Yes, I am outputting it to a V9958 VDP!)
Is it as simple as STZ TWidth? because that doesn't seem to work like that.
Thanks again for all the help!
This is why I love this community