How much current does it need at -30V, and how critical is the voltage? My first calculator, in the mid-1970's, was a Canon with a beautiful green VFD and it was powered by two AA batteries, so obviously it was using some sort of charge pump. (I never even heard of switching regulators until several years later.)
I have not been able to locate a Datasheet or any documentation on the display. It is a Futaba 16-SY-03Z. I have a photocopied schematic of the Veri fone module, that is how I know it needs -30v, but it's just an input pin on the schematic.
Trying a different path, I think this for a Verifone ZON, but I can't find pictures of that one, only the ZON Jr. This apparently has +5 and -5v on the main board, and it's display board has:
The keypad / display board has these chips:
U3, a 10937P-40 Vacuum fluorescent driver
U2 a TL074CN quad OP-Amp
A piezo speaker
High voltage generator circuit for the vacuum fluorescent display (it's got to have one, plus the round inductor near the top is a dead give-away).
according to
So one possible path to solve this problem is to get a ZON Jr and reverse engineer that high voltage generator circuit?
A ZON Jr display board would make quite a good user interface for a small 6502 system.