1202 wrote:
* This means that its running at 1,000,000 cycles per second right?!
half of that being in duty cycles if using 50% duty cycle.
Wrong. At least, your interpretation is wrong.
Duty cycle (note the singular) specifies the
ratio of time high to the total time of a single cycle. So if you have a clock signal that is 3us long while high, and only 1us long while low, it has a duty cycle of 75%. If it is high only 1us, and low for 3us, the duty cycle is 25%. If it's symmetrical, then the duty cycle is 50%.
Note that the 6502 and 65816 processors
prefer a 50% duty-cycle clock. That is, the time spent high is the same as the time spent low.
I'm new to design of logic circuits and now I understand that there is a smaller value called the tick?!
No. The "tick" is an arbitrary unit of time measurement. For example, in the Commodore-Amiga series of computers, "ticks" occured 60 times per second in the NTSC hardware, and 50 times per second in the PAL hardware. Ticks were used to keep track of the time of day. They had nothing at all to do with the CPU or other motherboard hardware.
Sometimes, ticks are called
jiffies, especially by those who grew up using the old 8-bit Commodore computers (e.g., the Commodore 64, +4, and 128).
P.s. From what I have found I think a tick is time taken for a logic gate to calculate and change state of output if necessary.
No, this time is called
propegation delay.