I need help to reverse engineer the LCD settings for the Nintendo DS lite LCD module.
I think this will be to the benefit of the community, because there are several projects that could get advantage of having the specs to make this display to show graphics generated by boards using the the 65xx cpus.
This LCD have a resolution of 256x192, is bright, and there are TONS of them for sale, cheap enough to consider them as a viable alternative to the myriad of arduino/rbpi focused displays in the market these days, that are mostly SPI driven.
I'm doing captures of the data that flows through several pins, and I think that something could be got from here. I'm using the Saleae 1.2.18 software, so I can export the data so anyone interested could contribute to this.
Have you made any progress on this? I'm working on a project that could really benefit from a controller board made for the lower LCD screen of a NDSL