Until now I rather do not have any problem with using MC6840 chip as timer in my projects. I used is a kind of a SysTick or pulse generator. Now I need to use it a counter of asynchronous pulses on external input. To be precise, I need it to count pulses generated by the Geiger tube. I copied all the circuitry from my previous project, which worked just fine with modern MCU. Unfortunately there is something wrong.
1) I can see pulses counted after manually shorting particular timer input with ground. 2) I can seen on my oscilloscope that pulses are generated by Geiger tube and amplified by the op-amp. 3) But somehow those pulses are not registered by the counter connected to the output of the mentioned op-amp. 4) But if I only short Geiger tube manually, pulses are being registered by the timer. 5) I thought it is issue of pulses being to short, so I used 555 chip to extend them even to 20 ms. It did nothing...
I start thinking that MC6840 simply wasn't designed to count asynchronous pulses of different duration, appearing randomly. Am I right? If chip can be used as common counter, what may be wrong with my design?