I'm Jake, (first post). I've been working on a project to create chip labels and dove down the rabbit hole of the 65816 after talking to Garth a bit over email and reading some of his website. During this trek I have edited some of the PDF's I have come across in an attempt to make them slightly more useful to me. The following are the ones I've uploaded to Archive.org.
This is the GTE datasheet edited to remove scan artifacts, added OCR, and bookmarks:
https://archive.org/details/gteg65sc816datasheetocrbm/page/n0/mode/1upThis is the GTE databook that is posted in the documents section of 6502.org but revised with working OCR and bookmarks:
https://archive.org/details/gtemicrocircuitsdatabookjan1984ocrbm/page/n0/mode/1upThis is the current WDC Datasheet for the W65C816S I simply added bookmarks to this one:
https://archive.org/details/w65c816s_bm/page/n0/mode/1upThis is the original unmodified patent for the W65C816 (I got it from google patents after lots of searching):
https://archive.org/details/us4739475/page/n0/mode/1upI was really trying to find other datasheets for the 816 that might show differences in specs. The GTE version looks like it's pretty much a copy of the original WDC sheet with a few parts missing. The patent has the original full datasheet embedded in it. I also have a copy of the original WDC datasheet I found in a book from Applied Engineering.
https://archive.org/details/AE_65816_16bit_Card_Software_Developers_Guide/page/n9/mode/2up What I haven't found are a full CMD datasheet or anything from Rockwell, Synertek or others on the 816. I found multiple references for the entire 816 instruction set in 100+ page detail within a couple of books on the Apple IIgs. The entire books are posted on the Archive:
https://archive.org/details/appleiigsmachinelanguageforbeginners/page/n485/mode/2uphttps://archive.org/details/ProgrammingTheAppleIIGS/page/n87/mode/2uphttps://archive.org/details/ProgrammingTheAppleIIGS/page/n385/mode/2upJust to be clear, I edit PDF's using a free Linux toolchain that consists of the following command line utilities: pdftk, qpdf, pdfbeads, pdftotext, pdfimages, imagemagick, and graphicsmagick. I use a GUI tool called ScanTailor to remove scan artifacts and edit margins after converting every page to either TIF or PNG formatted images. I'm then using pdfbeads to recombine the images with the compressed text. This is then passed through an old Windows PDF viewer called PDFXCview (using wine on Linux). This viewer has built in OCR software that can add an embedded OCR text overlay without modifying the original content stream. This combination of separating the images from the text, adding text compression, removing non-white scan artifacts, and adding the OCR layer discreetly is how I'm making these much smaller than they often are otherwise. The OCR isn't perfect but it is above average for most content on the internet. The last step I usually do is add a bookmark link index. The pdftk utility can dump a copy of the basic PDF metadata (author/creation date/software used to make the original/page size/orientation/etc). If this text file is modified with bookmark data and the information is updated with pdftk, bookmarks can be added to an existing datasheet. Unfortunately, the bookmarks are not linked to the actual line reference like some commercial software is capable of generating, but instead are just a page linked reference. The first time the PDF is opened with these new bookmarks it may take a bit longer to load too. I don't have issues with it after the first time loading. I am no expert here, but have done a tiny bit of reading about PDF forensics. My understanding is that the metadata is not replaced with a utility like this, the metadata is more like a stack where the new data is simply pushed onto the last. This may be what causes the load times to shift. On larger documents that have more trouble I will often use qpdf's --linearize command. I think it might help but honestly haven't tested it scientifically or anything. I mention all of this to try to let everyone know I'm not just passing these through some online PDF compression site or anything. I've usually gone through a document several times line by line while editing and modifying them. My process is usually improving the original document when it is something scanned from a book. ScanTailor has tools to adjust the line thicknesses and otherwise tune the output. In the worst cases I remove a bad page and edit it in GIMP before adding it back into the document.
The only exception to calling a document "improved" are instances where I am editing a digitally generated original. The WDC W65C816S is a good example. All I did was add bookmarks, it's 511 lines with a begin command, title, nesting level, and page number for each link. Most of the time this adds less than 100kb to the file but it is around 1MB with the 816S. It may be the removal of the original compression that is causing this. I try do not add compression randomly with online tools as this can degrade a document, and I don't want to remove an original digital text layer in favor of OCR either.
As an interesting aside, the W65C816S's PDF metadata is actually signed by William D. Mensch Jr. I believe that means he wrote and created the document himself.
MetadataFromW65C816S.png [ 75.26 KiB | Viewed 1662 times ]
Anyways...maybe someone finds this info useful in the future, and maybe someone can point me towards other 65816 datasheets that are evading my searches (I already have the 2 page CMD thing from the 6502 docs repository). I have one chip with a VL65C816-04P part number and am totally clueless who made it or where that datasheet might be hiding.
Chip Labels: