What kind of software should I have to be able to see these? Wikipedia says, "All major modern web browsers—including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge—have SVG rendering support," but I'm using Firefox and all I see is this kind of thing:[snip]
You're right, its not working in Firefox (I use it too). I also, on investigation, know why - Github isn't setting the Content-Type header properly... Most irritating.
Try these links instead:
Nimbot Schematic, ColourNimbot Schematic, MonochromeGARTHWILSON wrote:
You might be able to go twice or four times the speed, and scale the UART bit rate accordingly, like setting it for 2400bps to get 9600. Or, still using a single oscillator, you could still start with a higher speed for the processor and divide it down to 1.8432MHz or 3.6846MHz with flip-flops. A single 74ACT74 has two sections, so you go from 14.7456MHz to 3.6864MHz or from 7.3728MHz to 1.8432MHz. These are all standard frequencies available off the shelf in oscillator cans.
I'm already scaling down from a 7.3728MHz can through a 74AHC74 (though you wouldn't know that, having been unable to open the schematic!
), to give me my 3.6846 for the UART and 1.8432 for PHI0. I have a strong feeling that bumping PHI0 up to 3.6864 would entail using wait states on at least some of the hardware, though I've not investigated it thoroughly.
I have long been intrigued with the idea of putting parts on both sides to increase density. I have only done a small amount of that in my work, putting only a few parts on the back. Recently I thought I was going to get to do a board with both sides densely populated, but the boss decided against letting me, because he was afraid that if any re-work were ever needed, the SMT rework equipment in our main facility was not made for it. You can even do parts on both sides with thru-hole, by staggering the rows of IC pins. You can also put ICs under ICs on the same side; in fact, I have a 3U VME-bus board with a 68K processor in a 64-pin DIP with a half-dozen ICs underneath it, four being thru-hole and two being SMT. The 48-pin DIPs have 4-5 SMT ICs under each, all on the same side of the board.
Probably not going to go quite that overboard, but that's the general idea
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