James_Parsons wrote:
I am trying to build a 6502 computer, and I am making a bootleg keyboard for the 6502 using push buttons. I don't want more than one button to be pushed at once so I need help building circuitry that drops current if two buttons are pressed., I know this is probably really simple, but im a noob
You can put diodes in series with the buttons so one output line can't fight another one. Another way around it is that in the scanning, you only let one of the output bits be active at a time, and the others are high-impedance while the active one is pulling down. It has the effect of being like an open-collector output, and the only pull-ups are passive. There's no excess current that way. You might have outputs feeding the rows and inputs reading the columns, or vice-versa.
There are some keyboard and keypad ideas in the
keypads and keyboards section of the potpourri page of the 6502 primer.
You'll want to pay attention to debouncing. Do it in software to make it easier.