I started to think about the banking decades ago, but it just wasn't worth doing when the 65816 is available
Oh dear, that looks like a whole other league! You have to consider that I’m only familiar with the NMOS 6502 / 6510. Not that I don’t want to expand my knowledge, but I think it wouldn’t be wrong to set some boundaries for my first homebrew computer. I probably would stick to the NMOS 6502 at 1,8432MHz. I don’t want to get lost in a too complex first try. Programming wise I want to stay close to the VIC-20 and C64. Or am I restricting myself too much by using regular NMOS instead of the WDC chips?
Don't forget the '154 which might be better than a pair of 138's. How many I/O ICs do you want though?
Yes that would be a better one!
I’m not sure either, I just want to be on the safe side
I was thinking of VGA, keyboard, joystick, ACIA, 65SPI, VIA’s, SID’s.
I'd probably want the ROM WE to be controlled by a manual switch
I actually had that in mind with a jumper, but a switch is more convenient.
Dallas has SRAM modules
I wasn’t aware of them.
In another topic, we were discussing getting a tiny bootloader loaded into RAM by way of manual switches, just enough to have something that works to load the rest from a serial port or mass-storage device.
Unfortunately I can’t find it, do you have a link? Is it this topic?
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2705What about having a 16k EPROM and RAM occupying the same space, and during a cold boot the EPROM is active and copies itself to RAM. But that has been certainly been thought of.
Let's not get sidetracked into the '816 every time banking comes up! It's perfectly reasonable to put banked memory into a 6502 system.
I would put a charset or a startup bitmap in one of the ROM banks. So it’s more like for data storage then the need of programming space.
you could always give two adjacent blocks to one greedy device
that’s a good idea, the SID needs 29 bytes I believe.
If your peripherals will include a way to load code from a storage device or a PC, then you only need enough ROM to hold your bootstrap and enough of the OS to support it. 48k RAM, 8k ROM might be a good mix.
There seems no ideal place to put the I/O: right up in FE00 or the lower half of FF00 is the tidiest. Page 2 was a recent novel idea, and well be a good plan, because pages 0 and 1 are both fixed and special, and then you can have the maximum span of RAM from 0300 upwards.
I noticed that Daryl’s OS and Lee’s EhBASIC make use of those lower regions, so that in consideration, I would come up with:
0000 zeropage
0100 stack
0200 512 bytes (the first 1k always bank 0)
0400 8 banks of 47k RAM
C000 8 banks of 16k ROM (battery backed and write protected RAM)
FE00 I/O 0
FE10 I/O 1
FE20 I/O 2
FE30 I/O 3
FF00 rest of ROM
RAM 628512 SRAM
ROM 628128 SRAM (battery backed and write protected)
On the 65C02 you could use all of page $FF as the processor will assert VPB when accessing the fixed vectors and this could be used to direct the access to a ROM rather than an I/O chip.
ok, I have to resign and read that datasheet of the 65C02