A good place to start is the A2-Web at:
The A2-Web has links to all sorts of Apple II information (there is a ton of it on-line). A lot of old Apple II software (including assemblers!) has been (re-)classified as freeware and can be freely downloaded, although it may take some effort to transfer downloaded software to the Apple.
In addition to the many fine 6502 books listed on this website, a number of Apple II-specific assembly books were published. A popular one was titled Assembly Lines: The Book. It was written by a former schoolteacher and was well-liked for its easygoing style.
If the Apple is going to be your 6502-based machine, you'll probably find that Apple's own technical reference manuals are helpful. These manuals contain information about, among other things, use of the built-in monitor program, the memory structure (this was insanely complex on the IIe), video memory, and ROM listings (except the IIgs). Note that there were several versions of ROM for each model and the ROM listing may not match what you have exactly. The manuals for the various models are:
Apple II Reference Manual (II, II+)
Apple IIe Technical Reference Manual (IIe)
Apple IIc Technical Reference Manual (IIc, not sure about the title)
Apple IIgs Firmware Reference (IIgs)