Fulvio wrote:
1. what type of registers are acc, x, y, pc, sp, databuf and addrbuf? I don't want any functional explanation, i need to know if they are latch, edge triggered or master-slave and if they are clocked or not (it seems that in the design of the original processor all are non clocked, but all the vhdl on the net make them clocked)
This is an implementation detail -- since it's an RTL description, the only requirement is that it be synchronized against the chip's clock. How you do this is up to you. Since external logic only sees the effects of clock transitions, it won't matter to external devices either.
2. Could someone explain me the right timing for read/write memory access? (i'm not so good in electronic field and the timing diagram on datasheets are quite obscure to me
During Phi2 low, the CPU puts the address on the A0-A15. During phi2 high, the bus transaction (read or write) is completed. The timing diagrams are your best source for this, and truely, they really
are the simplest possible timing diagrams you can get. I would recommend becoming familiar with how to read timing diagrams.
3. Could someone explain what are the two phase clock out signals for?
Convenience. Phi1 is used to clock logic that works when the CPU isn't using the bus. Phi2 is used to clock logic that works when the CPU is. Depending on your peripheral hardware, you can get by with just one; you can synthesize Phi1 by just inverting Phi2 and vice versa, provided your peripheral can handle the propegation delay.
4. Is there a table with the propagation delays for each single component of the 6502?
Again, these are implementation details -- you decide for your own design.