It was a great time to be into music and tech!
Had a Moog in 1980 and also messed around with it, adding a line in to the filter section so I could pump drums from my VIC-20 into the mix.
Written in basic of course, but still bleeding edge for the day.
Originally I gutted a dead Roland 88 key piano for the hammer action and velocity sensitive board but after some time realized that I didn't like it for synth playing.
I have a nice weighted digital piano and a synth action board in my studio, and prefer the zero weight basic keys for the synth and weight for piano.
It took some time to track down a non weighted 88 key unit for parts, but finally I have the non velocity and zero weight board I prefer for shredding on the synth.
I will be able to add the nuances of volume on each track though as I have individual adc controlled filters on all 12 channels - volume, low pass, resonance, and overdrive.
All FX are pure analog (Buchla style LPF + Res), but all recordable via ADC for playback via 8 bit digital DAC back to said filters.
There are also 4 patchable FX channels that include spring reverb, digital reverb and others yet to be determined.
So if I want an epic volume swell on a track, I just hit record on that tracks volume FX and it will record the action of the ADC knob with whatever FX is assigned.
Each of the 12 audio channels are quite complex, which is why I have an individual 6502 for each of them.
Actually, each channel is basically a complete instrument on it's own, at least as capable as Octamed on Amiga was.
The main 6502 running the OS only has to tell each channel what to do, so it can keep up to all of the track data being send and recorded.
I should probably buy a bunch more 65C02s for spare parts while I can still get the DIP format. I want to be able to keep this beast running until they burry me with it in 40 years! wrote:
I assume the keyboard has velocity sensing (or whatever the term is: how hard you hit it, basically).
You're reminding me of an additive synthesizer I designed, um, forty years ago for a friend in the music business; stuffed full of TI DSPs. In context, they were expensive parts and initially I simulated them using a 6502. It _did not_ run at full speed!