EU has startet pulling sanctions against the Russian federation because of the Ukraine invasion.
Part of the sanctions list will be: "no technology transfer, no shared research projects".
Until we know for sure how this maps to 'hobby projects aiming for 40 years old game consoles',
I have to put support for emu-russia on hold, just to be on the safe side.
org, sorry to bring this up, but it would be nice if your books won't say "ttlworks has helped",
because not all of the readers would be aware that I did the schematics before the Ukraine invasion.
Really, it was a pleasure to contribute to your project.... it also was "a culture shock":
Nice/friendly/competent people, trying to get something done with what's available, without "debating a topic to death".
I'm not used to that.
Good luck and god speed, looking forward that the political situation might be turning to the better someday.