When we had started with trying to make the TTL CPU "bug compatible" to the NMOS 6502\6510,
we had the VICE source code, a nice article about the UFOs, and some info from Visual6502.org,
(that's more info than we have on the 65816),
nevertheless, this part of the project took us a year or so.
And we still had no time to back_annotate these hardware modifications into the schematics,
the PCB layout and the documentation.
Other hobbyists might be wanting to build that CPU too, so it's better to get what we have now into dry bags.
I would say, that the design we have now physically is at its limits (regarding signal trace length and grounding).
Adding any more circuitry probably would affect speed... and/or that neat 160mm*100mm Eurocard form factor.
So for adding more circuitry and registers, and for trying to push the CPU speed a little bit,
IMHO it's better to start a new and clean design.
With a bit luck, building a 65816 compatible CPU only could take 3 years+.
Sure, you could calculate and simulate a lot of stuff,
but the hardware won't be aware of your simulation results... and somewhat careless about them, too.
In our recent project, we had to take a logic analyzer trying to capture on the bus what went wrong,
then to write our own tools for translating the bus activity back into machine code and to mark
the interesting/offending parts of the capture.
_If_ building TTL CPUs would be as simply as it looks, probably more hobbyists would be doing it.
To put it this way: somewhere up in the thread, I had referenced Apollo 13 by making a joke
about building a CO2 filter by resorting to duct tape and the envelope of a C64 manual.
Really, building CPUs is a fascinating and entertaining hobby.
To quote Murphy: what can go wrong will go wrong. //As in: hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
The later you add changes (especially conceptual changes) to a design, the bigger the chance this backfires.
In the world of software design, you could say: "Oh, we are going to take care of that little bug later, after the release".
In the world of hardware design, things are different... and sometimes there is no "later".
That sort of hardware design is quite labor and time intensive stuff (not to mention the cost of components and PCBs),
so you at least try to do what is possible not to have too many "untested edge cases"
when starting a project.
//Pretty much like when you try to toss out some of the variables before trying to solve a big and complicated equation.
But back on topic: making a list of all the possible 65816 issues would take a PC and some spare time,
and these two things I lack at the moment, might be turning to the better in a few months.
My point is, that I'm no longer into building things.
I'm sitting in the "second line of the battle", trying to cover Drass's back...
...because when I had been building CPUs, I had a few arrows sticking in my back too many.
whartung wrote:
I only know of a single test suite for the 6502, are there others?
Not to sound rude or offending, but is there a test suite which checks the _full_ functionality of a 65816 ?
If there is one, please post a link.