z80Micro wrote:
Was very interested to read your posts on your mos6502 protocol decoder for sigrok.
I have moved away from doing this as a sigrok protocol decoder, because I was finding python far to slow when processing multi-GB capture files, and the sigrok GUI is not good with massive amounts of data.
So the lastest version of the tool is standalone, written in C, and is ~100x faster:
https://github.com/hoglet67/6502Decoder/wikiThe output is now a plain text file.
You can still use sigrok-cli to create the capture file. There are some usage examples here:
https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic ... 57#p182757Another advantange is that no changes to sigrok are required.
I see you are using Windows. There are some Windows specific notes here:
https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic ... 69#p182769What capture hardware do you have?