enso wrote:
ThisWayUp, a word of advice: unless you enjoy really frustrating experiences, the first time around just order your parts from Mouser or some other reputable source. I love bottomfishing on EBay and AliExpress, but it is a lot easier to put together a W65C02 computer with known-good parts. You can then swap in questionable parts, one at a time, and see if it still works. The other way around, you will be sitting there with a dead machine, wondering where to start.
Yes, I have definitely learned my lesson on that now. I do have all legit chips for my current built. I'm using a Renesas 7164 64k for my RAM.
BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
Adding insult to injury, your bargain eBay parts could cause damage to your good parts when you put power to your machine if the stars and the moon are aligned the wrong way.
Although the logic behind it completely baffles me, 65xx parts are widely counterfeited. We have had topics on that around here, so it may be worthwhile to find them and learn more about this stuff. When it comes to purchasing 65xx parts, your safest bet will always major electronics distributors who have a reputation to protect.
Incidentally, there are no authorized distributors of WDC parts in China. If a Chinese seller is offering 65C816s, etc., it is very likely they are selling fakes.[/color]
Good to know about the chinese distributors, or lack there of. I was initially losing my mind after I found out the 65c02 I had originally gotten from Amazon was a fake, I was concerned it had nuked my other chips, but I got lucky. I do have to admit this has been an extremely harrowing experience, something I was not expecting