Jmstein7 wrote:
Do you send in data through Serial, or do you use the GPIO BUS for that?
I connect to my display with serial over a 65C51. The Diablo16 allows you to identify which GPIO pins to use. It has up to 4 communication channels. I use the Diablo16 internal serial (UART) communication functions (similar to the Picaso, see section 2.11 of the internal functions manual). It looks like the Picaso has most of the functions available on the Diablo16. Missing on the Picaso are the multiple com channels and block transfers. I use both of those.
I haven't played with the general GPIO functions. I'm happy with a simple two wire serial connection. But that doesn't limit you to only internal serial functions. For example, I've implemented the
standard escape codes to clear the page, move the cursor to a specific row/col and hide/show the cursor. I've also developed my own custom escape code, ESC Bn, to load block n from the display's SD card.
Handling these over a serial interface is simple with a switch/case structure. This also handles special characters like backspace and carriage return. The 65xx doesn't need to know anything about the display, it just sends text, including any special characters/codes to control the presentation if necessary. Otherwise the display's program controls the presentation, like linefeeds and scrolling.
Escape codes cover quite a lot, but are terminal based. This is fine for me but could be limiting in more graphical applications. I don't think the 4d System uVDA is ideal for a graphic intensive system though. I use a number of internal graphics functions to scroll the text on my display. They meet my needs, but they aren't very fast by today's standards.