Nice! Especially about still being able to download the DOS-based software. It looks like they have had an awful lot of models over the years. Are you aware of any particular groups of them that work stand-alone, ie, don't require their PC software, and tell in the manual how to feed data to them from another platform by RS-232? I used a Bytek Writer that worked this way at my last place of work which I left in 1992. I could even feed it Intel Hex files from my calculator over my RS-232 interface converter. I've had it on my eBay search for years but it has never shown up.
Yep. I even found a Win95 PC in my fathers attic so I could connect it straight away and run it with BPWSoft3. Its been working perfectly. I have burnt several 2564s, a few MCM68764s and the Signetics PLD without any problem. Very satisfied!
I haven't used any other programmer, so not much help there I guess..