Been a while since I checked the calculations, but the ram on the page is fine. I'd need to dig out the timings but from what I recall there was sufficient time between the selection and the read / write due th the Z80 requiring multiple clocks for each operation.
The wires I used are about 4 inches long with no issues. Not tried any longer ones to see if they work, I'm afraid.
The font is a straight transfer from the CGA "bold" font. Any 8x8 font can be used, though just by replacing the hex codes, and with a bit of work other font matrix sizes could be used.
Glad you remember building the microUK101
Thanks for the comments on the downloader. It uses all standard CP/M 2.2 BDOS calls so would work on other CP/M machines if serial hardware handshake is available (which it should be anyway). If it's to go on an 8080 (not a Z80) they you need to check if any of my code uses Z80-specific opcodes - if so a minor change may be needed, but I don't recall using any. Source code online so feel free to use as you see fit.
Have fun!