Yeah, way,
way OT, but I guess we're done talking about a C64 WiFi modem.
That's approximately the way I started, and approximately the same year, too! My first crystal-diode radio was about 1971, and wow was it exciting to hear the local radio station! I still have, and occasionally use, the earphone I was given for that project. A friend had a Heathkit 100-in-1 kit which I thought was incredibly cool. I had visions of making one with parts removed from old radios and mounted on a piece of wood. That went nowhere though. My first transistor radio build was a Radio Shack kit (remember the ones in the red plastic boxes they used for several different kits?) received for Christmas 1972, and first non-kit home-made transistor radio was about 1973, which I put in a plastic soap travel box. It used a battery holder that held two AA batteries. I used my first IC amplifier about 1975. My interest in digital came later.
Here's the Radio Shack AM radio kit, from the 1972 catalog:
RadioShack28-102AMradioKit.gif [ 218.18 KiB | Viewed 3382 times ]
To get the picture, I went to ... ctory.html and clicked on 1972 ver. 2 and thumbed through the catalog. Many here will find lots of nice memories at that site! I specifically remember a lot of the catalog covers shown there. I wish I had kept some of them, and also Lafayette and maybe a couple of others.