I have three question about the AIM-65 Micro V2_2022-04-02:
1.- Are you loading the AIM Monitor firmware from Rockwell onto your 27C256 EPROM?
2.- What is the use of the H4 pinheader jumper between CA1 and CB1 on VIA 65C22?
3.- Did you use a 65C22 VIA instead of a 6522 VIA for some reason?
And a note if you are not going to use the AIM65 keyboard:
You might not need the RIOT 6532 by enabling access from $A400 to $A4FF addressing to your RAM area instead to use the 6532's R/W memory space, or by modifying the monitor's .asm code to allocate some parameters in the memory area that you want and then and reassemble it.
So easy as rewrite:
; **********************************
0147 ; * Ex_6532 ADDRESSES (A400-A7FF) , parameters new area in RAM *
0147 ; **********************************
0400 *=$A400 ; eliminates this line changing it by the following
XYZW *=$XYZW ; where $XYZW is the start address area in RAM that you want use to reallocate the parameters
Then, reassemble all the monitor .asm code and load it in an EPROM.