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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2024 11:53 am 
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There have been a couple of discussions around stack frames and such and I really want to document them all in one place.

To this end the calling convention I've settled on using is the WDC C compiler's (previously the Zardoz C compiler).

In summary it assumes arguments that are going to be passed to a function are pushed onto the hardware stack before the function is called. On entry (JSR / JSL) to the function being called the Direct Page is set the address of the Stack Pointer (+1). This allows the those arguments to be accesses using Direct Page addressing rather than the limited Stack addressing modes.

This leaves out stuff like: what about local variables to the function? Is it safe keep using the stack? How does returning work? And what happens if a function is called again?

And I'll get to all of that but for now the general idea is just that the Direct Page IS the Stack Frame for the function that has just been called.

However the examples I'm going to use will make extensive use of the PEI instruction to push arguments before the function is called so a good grasp of both PEA and PEI is going to be helpful. If you already understand them you can skip over the rest of this post as I'll only start writing about calling conventions in the next post below.

PEA - opcode F4

PEA pushes 16bits of immediate data onto the stack. It's described as pushing an address by WDC but the value can be used as anything you want.
PEA Instruction.png
PEA Instruction.png [ 56.81 KiB | Viewed 1111 times ]
PEA affects the stack as in the example below:
PEA Result.png
PEA Result.png [ 43.83 KiB | Viewed 1059 times ]

PEI - opcode D4

PEI pushes 16bits of data located at a Direct Page address onto the stack. It's very similar to PEA except that the data pushed does not immediately follow the op-code but is rather in Direct Page memory.
PEI Instruction.png
PEI Instruction.png [ 85.63 KiB | Viewed 1110 times ]
PEI affects the stack as in the example below:
PEI Result.png
PEI Result.png [ 42.24 KiB | Viewed 1111 times ]

PEA and PEI are always push 16bit data regardless of what the Memory Width (M) is set to.

And with that out the way we have a mechanism for pushing from the Direct Page (our functions stack frame) onto the stack (which will eventually become the called functions stack frame).

Last edited by AndrewP on Sun May 12, 2024 7:16 am, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2024 11:54 am 
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[Still a place holder]
Function Definition.png
Function Definition.png [ 48.35 KiB | Viewed 1028 times ]

Function Call.png
Function Call.png [ 30.49 KiB | Viewed 1028 times ]

Function Setup.png
Function Setup.png [ 113.12 KiB | Viewed 1028 times ]

Function Stack before Setup.png
Function Stack before Setup.png [ 111.28 KiB | Viewed 1028 times ]

Function Stack after Setup.png
Function Stack after Setup.png [ 144.21 KiB | Viewed 1028 times ]

Function Cleanup.png
Function Cleanup.png [ 45.52 KiB | Viewed 1028 times ]

Function Stack After Cleanup.png
Function Stack After Cleanup.png [ 93.21 KiB | Viewed 1028 times ]

Last edited by AndrewP on Sun May 12, 2024 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2024 5:01 pm 
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I’ll throw this into the hopper for possible later discussion.

What follows is a macro in Kowalski assembler syntax that generates a stack frame for use in passing parameters into a called function (subroutine). An arbitrary number of arguments is passed to the macro, these arguments being interpreted as 32-bit pointers to data. Along with each pointer argument, a corresponding mode argument is passed to tell the macro how to interpret the pointer argument. The bottom of the stack frame, i.e., at SP+1, will have a 16-bit number that is a count of the number of words in the rest of the stack frame.

; pushparm parm1 [,parm2 [,parmN]],mode1 [,mode2 [,modeN]]
; This macro generates a parameter stack frame.  The frame
; consists of 1 or more 32-bit values, pushed in big-end-
; ian order (which places the LSW on the stack below the
; MSW).  Parameters are pushed from right to left; PARM1
; will be the lowest on the stack.  Below PARM1 will be a
; word value that indicates the number of words that
; were pushed, e.g.:
;   pushparm addr1,addr2,addr3,'f','f','f'
; will produce the following stack frame:
;   addr3 (MSW)
;   addr3 (LSW)
;   addr2 (MSW)
;   addr2 (LSW)
;   addr1 (MSW)
;   addr1 (LSW)
;   $0006 (words pushed)
; For each parameter in the invocation, a corresponding
; mode must be passed.  Recognized modes are:
;   'd'  The corresponding parameter is a direct-page
;        address from which the value to be pushed will
;        be fetched.  The resulting instruction sequence
;        will be:
;          PEI <parm>+2
;          PEI <parm>
;   'f'  The corresponding parameter is a value that is
;        to be processed as a “far” address.  The resul-
;        ting instruction sequence will be:
;          PEA #<parm> >> 16
;          PEA #<parm> & $FFFF
;   'n'  The corresponding parameter is to be processed
;        as a “near” address.  The resulting instruction
;        sequence will be:
;          PHK
;          PHK
;          PER <parm> & $FFFF
;        Note that although the execution bank is pushed
;        twice, the extra push is ignored during indi-
;        rect long addressing.  Also note that if <parm>
;        is specified as a 24- or 32-bit address, only the
;        LSW will be processed, since PER is bound to the
;        execution bank.
;   'r'  The corresponding parameter is assumed to be in
;        the index registers, .X = LSW & .Y = MSW.  The
;        index registers must be set to 16-bits —— there
;        is no check for this.  The corresponding parame-
;        ter is ignored, but is required for syntax rea-
;        sons.  It is recommended that it be $00 to make
;        it clear that the value being processed is being
;        passed in the registers.  Although of limited
;        value, this mode may be used multiple times.
;   Modes are case-insensitive; 'N' & 'n' are functionally
;   identical.
pushparm   .macro ...
.tp      =@0
         .if .tp @ 2
             .error ""+@0$+": parameter & mode counts mismatch"
         .if .tp == 0
             .error "syntax: "+@0$+" parm1 [,parm2 [,parmN]],mode1 [,mode2 [,modeN]]"
.np      =.tp/2
.ix      .set .np
         .rept .np
.m           .= @{.ix+.np} | %00100000
             .if .m == 'd'
                 .if @.ix > $ff
                     .error ""+@0$+": 'd' mode requires direct page address parameter"
                 pei {@.ix}+2
                 pei @.ix
                 .if .m == 'f'
                     pea #{@.ix} >> 16
                     pea #{@.ix} & $ffff
                     .if .m == 'n'
                         per {@.ix} & $ffff
                         .if .m == 'r'
                             .error ""+@0$+": mode must be 'd', 'f', 'n' or 'r'"
.ix          .= .ix-1
         pea #.np*2

I use pushparm in much of my code to feed parameters into functions. As a fairly general rule, required parameters are 32-bit pointers to data, so this macro “automates” the process, cutting down on typing...and potential bugs. Use of 32-bit pointers simplifies the performance of pointer arithmetic, as it avoids constant REP and SEP instructions to manipulate register sizes.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2024 8:10 pm 
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Your stack diagram for PEA seems to imply that the low byte of the operand is pushed before the high byte, which contradicts my 65xx instincts. I have a reputation for being correct more than 50% of the time. :D

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2024 9:50 pm 
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barrym95838 wrote:
Your stack diagram for PEA seems to imply that the low byte of the operand is pushed before the high byte, which contradicts my 65xx instincts. I have a reputation for being correct more than 50% of the time. :D

I am having trouble reading Andrew’s stack diagrams due to the color, so I am entirely not sure what is in them.  If they are implying that the LSB is being pushed first, then that would be incorrect.  If, for example, SP (stack pointer) is currently loaded with $BFFF and the 65C816 executes PEA #$12AB, the sequence will be:

#$12 ——> $BFFF (SP)
#$AB ——> $BFFE (SP-1)

After PEA #$12AB had finished, SP would be $BFFD.  With the 816, all word pushes are big-endian.  When the stack is accessed using the stack pointer-relative addressing mode, e.g., LDA <offset>,S, and the accumulator is “wide” (set to 16 bits), the access will be in the customary little-endian style.

I draw all memory maps top-down, logically placing higher addresses higher in the map.  Hence in diagramming a stack “picture,” it is helpful to draw it top-down as well.

Unlike SP in the 65C02 (and other 8-bit 6502 members), the native-mode 65C816 SP is a true pointer—it holds an address, unlike the 65C02’s SP, which is merely an index into a fixed memory range (page $01).  That the native-mode 816 SP is a pointer makes it easy to do all sorts of useful tricks with it, which are facilitated by various stack-oriented machine instructions.  For example, the 816 makes it convenient to reserve ephemeral workspace on the stack, giving each function in your program a “scratchpad” for doing local stuff:

;reserve 16 bytes of workspace on the 65C816 stack
;   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
;   In this example, it is assumed that SP == $BFFF upon entry.
;   Hex numbers in parentheses are the value of SP after the
;   operation has been performed.
;   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
         phd                   ;save current direct page    (BFFD)
         rep #%00100000        ;select wide accumulator
         tsc                   ;SP ——> accumulator
         sbc !#16              ;reserve workspace
         tcs                   ;accumulator ——> SP          (BFED)
         inc A                 ;accumulator ++
         tcd                   ;accumulator ——> DP

         At this point, direct page is on the stack, starting at
         $BFEE.  An instruction such as LDA $00 will actually load
         from $BFEE, LDA $01 would be loaded from $BFEF, etc.  As
         DP (direct page pointer) is not page-aligned, there will
         be a 1 cycle penalty per access.  In practice, this penalty
         is a trivial price to pay for the convenience of being able
         to address stack content with direct-page instructions.

         Note that DP’s entry value may be fetched with LDA $10,
         which will be loaded from $BFFE.

;   when done, do stack housekeeping...
         rep #%00100000        ;just in case...
         lda $10               ;DP’s entry value
         tcd                   ;restore it
         tsc                   ;SP ——> accumulator          (BFED)
         adc !#16+2            ;discard workspace & stack copy of DP
         tcs                   ;accumulator ——> SP          (BFFF)

In my functions, I define local symbols that are used to describe the layout of the stack frame.  That way, I can readily change the workspace size if needed by a future revision.  Also, I habitually do not embed “magic numbers” in code.  In an actual program, the 2 in the 16+2 expression is symbolically set in an INCLUDE file that defines 65C816 register sizes.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2024 7:59 am 
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barrym95838 wrote:
Your stack diagram for PEA seems to imply that the low byte of the operand is pushed before the high byte, which contradicts my 65xx instincts. I have a reputation for being correct more than 50% of the time.
Good spot thanks! A good rule of thumb is that the high byte always goes higher in memory*. Chock up another one to greater than 50 :D

BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
What follows is a macro in Kowalski assembler syntax that generates a stack frame for use in passing parameters into a called function (subroutine). An arbitrary number of arguments is passed to the macro, these arguments being interpreted as 32-bit pointers to data. Along with each pointer argument, a corresponding mode argument is passed to tell the macro how to interpret the pointer argument. The bottom of the stack frame, i.e., at SP+1, will have a 16-bit number that is a count of the number of words in the rest of the stack frame.
Very cool! I need to up my macro-fu game.

BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
Unlike SP in the 65C02 (and other 8-bit 6502 members), the native-mode 65C816 SP is a true pointer—it holds an address, unlike the 65C02’s SP, which is merely an index into a fixed memory range (page $01). That the native-mode 816 SP is a pointer makes it easy to do all sorts of useful tricks with it, which are facilitated by various stack-oriented machine instructions. For example, the 816 makes it convenient to reserve ephemeral workspace on the stack, giving each function in your program a “scratchpad” for doing local stuff
Interesting, what you've posted for the function setup and cleanup is subtly different to this post here based on the WDC C compiler's convention. The only real difference being that the PHD happens last and without the INC. Possibly marginally more optimal but it makes thinking about variables in the Direct Page a pain because everything is offset by one as the first byte in the Direct Page contains the high byte of the old DP. The low byte being inaccessible at DP - 1.

* And ... BDD had already made exactly the same point in his last post. Doh!

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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2024 10:13 pm 
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AndrewP wrote:
BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
...the 816 makes it convenient to reserve ephemeral workspace on the stack...
Interesting, what you've posted for the function setup and cleanup is subtly different to this post here based on the WDC C compiler's convention. The only real difference being that the PHD happens last and without the INC.

Up until very recently, I was not familiar with how the WDC C compiler does it.

The method I developed was intended to fulfill several requirements: transparency, recursiveness, ease of accessing entry register values (or changing them before exit), and the desire to be able to index the stack-bound zero page from $00.  Hence upon entry, a function will push the registers that will be used, in a defined order, and then tinker with the stack pointer to reserve needed workspace.  Below is an example, culled from my SCSI function library.  I edited out some of the commentary for brevity:

;   Invocation example: pea #buf >> 16         ;buffer pointer MSW
;                       pea #buf & $ffff       ;buffer pointer LSW
;                       pea #nblk >> 16        ;block count pointer MSW
;                       pea #nblk & $ffff      ;block count pointer LSW
;                       pea #lba >> 16         ;LBA pointer MSW
;                       pea #lba & $ffff       ;LBA pointer LSW
;                       pea #scsi_id >> 16     ;device ID pointer MSW
;                       pea #scsi_id & $ffff   ;device ID pointer LSW
;                       .IF .DEF(_SCSI_)
;                       JSL blkread
;                       .ELSE
;                       JSR blkread
;                       .ENDIF
;                       BCS ERROR
blkread  clc                   ;assume no error
         php                   ;save machine state
         rep #m_setr | sr_bdm  ;16-bit registers & binary math
.maxblk  =128                  ;max blocks per transaction +1
.sfbase  .= 0                  ;base stack index (assembly-time variable)
.sfidx   .= .sfbase            ;workspace index (assembly-time variable)
;—————————> workspace stack frame start <—————————
.cdbptr  =.sfidx               ;local CDB pointer (16 bits)
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_ptr
.lbaflag =.sfidx               ;$8080 = 32-bit LBA (16 bits)
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_word
.nblks   =.sfidx               ;requested blocks (16 bits)
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_word
;—————————> workspace stack frame end <—————————
.s_wsf   =.sfidx-.sfbase       ;workspace size
.sfbase  .= .sfidx
;—————————> register stack frame start <—————————
.reg_dp  =.sfidx               ;DP
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_mpudpx
.reg_db  =.sfidx               ;DB
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_mpudbx
.reg_c   =.sfidx               ;.C
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_word
.reg_x   =.sfidx               ;.X
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_word
.reg_y   =.sfidx               ;.Y
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_word
.reg_sr  =.sfidx               ;SR
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_mpusrx
.reg_pc  =.sfidx               ;PC
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_mpupcx
         .if .def(_SCSI_)      ;if using remote calls...
.reg_pb      =.sfidx           ;PB
.sfidx       .= .sfidx+s_mpupbx
;—————————> register stack frame end <—————————
.s_rsf   =.sfidx-.sfbase       ;register frame size
.sfbase  .= .sfidx
;—————————> parameter stack frame start <—————————
.idptr   =.sfidx               ;*SCSI_ID
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_dptr
.lbaptr  =.sfidx               ;*LBA
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_dptr
.nblkptr =.sfidx               ;*NBLK
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_dptr
.bufptr  =.sfidx               ;*BUF
.sfidx   .= .sfidx+s_dptr
;—————————> parameter stack frame end <—————————
.s_psf   =.sfidx-.sfbase       ;parameter frame size
         pea #$00
         plb                   ;configure data bank...
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-
;         As local fetches & stores are to the stack, PB
;         is set to bank $00 to avoid long addressing.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-
         tsc                   ;SP ——> .C
         sbc !#.s_wsf          ;allocate workspace...
         tcs                   ;for local variables
         inc                   ;point direct page to...
         tcd                   ;workspace...
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
;         Note that the above sequence makes the temporary
;         direct page zero-based for convenience.  Also,
;         fetches & stores from the stack copies of the
;         entry registers are possible using DP addressing,
;         e.g.:
;            LDA #sr_car
;            TSB .reg_sr
;         to set carry in the returned status register.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
         tsc                   ;SP ——> .C
         sbc !#s_cdbg2         ;allocate space for...
         tcs                   ;local CDB...
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
;         The above allocates sufficient space to accommodate
;         a CDB defined for a short or long read operation.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
         sta .cdbptr           ;local CDB pointer LSW
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-
;         The pointer MSW is implied because the CDB
;         is on the stack & hence is in bank $00.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-


Note in the stack definitions block that everything is symbolically defined.  Since workspace starts at $00 in the local direct page, I can manipulate anything on the stack by using the corresponding symbol as an operand to an instruction, e.g, STA .reg_c to change the value returned in the accumulator, or by indexing direct page with .X.

Note that the space for the command descriptor block (CDB) that is submitted to the SCSI driver API is reserved after local workspace has been reserved and defined as direct page.  As the CDB is in stack space, it is implicitly in bank $00 and can be accessed with (.cdbptr),Y addressing after setting DB to $00.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

Last edited by BigDumbDinosaur on Thu Aug 15, 2024 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2024 8:41 am 
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BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
The method I developed was intended to fulfill several requirements: transparency, recursiveness, ease of accessing entry register values (or changing them before exit), and the desire to be able to index the stack-bound zero page from $00. Hence upon entry, a function will push the registers that will be used, in a defined order, and then tinker with the stack pointer to reserve needed workspace.
Unfortunately the last month or more at the office have been quite unpleasant with last week (at last) seeming to have calmed down.

Oh boy have things not.

This week has already gone properly off the rails with no chance of recovery any time soon.

So why have I quoted BDD above and why am I mentioning this? Well he's mentioned the gist of what I want to post and I'm going to be unlikely to find the time to finish my place holder post above anytime soon.

I had started writing up the post and if you're interested (and for comparison) the following two images kinda show how the WDC setup (preamble) and cleanup (postamble) are done.

BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
         pea #$00
         plb                   ;configure data bank...
I always love seeing other people's code because there's always so much to learn. I would not have thought of that as a quick way to set the bank address to zero without having to switch out of 16bit mode.

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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2024 6:30 pm 
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AndrewP wrote:
Unfortunately the last month or more at the office have been quite unpleasant with last week (at last) seeming to have calmed down.

Oh boy have things not.

This week has already gone properly off the rails with no chance of recovery any time soon.

Whatever is going on at the office doesn’t sound good.  :|

So why have I quoted BDD above and why am I mentioning this? Well he's mentioned the gist of what I want to post and I'm going to be unlikely to find the time to finish my place holder post above anytime soon...

Unfortunately, I can’t read some of that...

...the following two images kinda show how the WDC setup (preamble) and cleanup (postamble) are done.

For comparison purposes, the following is the postamble to my earlier example for the BLKREAD function:

;   ———————————
;   ———————————
.done    rep #m_setr | sr_car  ;16-bit registers & clear carry
         tsc                   ;SP ——> .C
         adc !#.s_wsf+s_cdbg2  ;total size of local workspace...
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
;         Note that .S_WSF was earlier set in the stack frame definitions
;         section.  S_CDBG2 is defined in ~/include/scsi/atomic.asm & is
;         the size of a group 2 command descriptor block.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
         tcs                   ;.C ——> SP, expunges workspace
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
;         Next, we “rebalance” the stack.  The procedure is to move the
;         the register frame up in the stack so the top of the frame is
;         immediately below the return address, then reset SP so when the
;         registers are pulled right before exit, SP+1 will be at the re-
;         turn address.
;         At this point in the code, .C still contains a copy of SP.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
         adc !#.s_rsf          ;point to top of register stack frame &...
         tax                   ;set as copy source address...
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
;         The source is set to the top of the register frame because we
;         will be copying in reverse during stack rebalance.  .S_RSF is
;         the register frame size that was set in the stack frame def-
;         initions.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—
         adc !#.s_psf          ;point to top of parameter stack frame &...
         tay                   ;set as copy destination address...
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-
;         .S_PSF is the parameter frame size that was set in the stack
;         frame definitions.
;         —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-
         lda !#.s_rsf-1        ;bytes to be copied -1
         mvp #0,#0             ;relocate register stack frame
         tyx                   ;adjust SP to point to...
         txs                   ;register frame -1
         pld                   ;restore machine state
         .if .def(_SCSI_)      ;if using remote calls...

Much of what that goes on in the above is “automatic,” in that the adjustments that occur are based on how the stack frames are defined, which, of course can vary from function to function.

         pea #$00
         plb                   ;configure data bank...
...I would not have thought of that as a quick way to set the bank address to zero without having to switch out of 16bit mode.

Another trick would be something like the following to set DP to an address known only at run time:

         PER local_dp

PEA, PEI and PER are good for all sorts of obscure purposes, e.g., reserving and clearing two bytes of stack space in one operation by using PEA #$00.  The reserved space would be at SP+1.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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