wav would be really easy. All the samples I play are just plain 8-bit unsigned PCM. You'll want it in an optimal format, converting or decoding it (at high sample rates like 44.1khz) for every sample will take some major CPU time.
If the CPU is supposed to be doing anything else at the same time you'll want a timer that can trigger an IRQ. Any timing variations in the code during playback will make it sound like crap for sure.
Actually I was planning on doing a whole bunch of sample stuff on NES (1.789mhz 6502). So I thought I'd put a PIC MCU in my design for the interrupts and stuff, soon I realized I could just generate all my samples in the PIC and feed it to the NES. So now I've got a nice-sounding little 4-channel synth, and the only part the 6502 has to do is this (well, besides setting the samples/freqs/volumes etc.):
lda $5000 ; in from PIC
sta $4011 ; out to DAC
So I kinda cheated.. heheh. But I had to do, to get the results I wanted. You need to multiply (by volume) and add up the result to mix several channels with volume control. Or use some lookup tables to scale it. One sample at a time is a lot easier.
I doubt mp3 or ogg would be any good for 6502, but I'd be happy if someone surprised me.