Here's a small contribution for the thread.
I'd seen Karatsuba's algorithm mentioned a couple of times but didn't see a 6502 implementation so I gave it a go. It uses a trick to calculate a 16x16=32 unsigned multiply using only three 8x8=16 multiplies plus some extra addition.
TL;DR the size/speed (adjusting for ,x indexing) is in the same ballpark as Toby's mult63.a so the saved multiply seems a wash with the extra juggling. However I suspect it might win for 32x32=64. This version is forth style (everything is ,x indexed) which I estimated to cost about 30 cycles or so.
I'm sure there's more performance to be squeezed out if anyone is interested - would love to see any tricks you come up with. Here's the core routine (written for 64tass). See attachment for full source file which includes a small test harness and 256 randomized test cases.
Karatsuba divide and conquer for multiplication.
Use 3 8x8=16 multiplies to do a 16x16=32 multiplication
We want to calculate <a0,1> x <b0,1> = <d0,1,2,3>
= a0 x b0 + (a0 x b1 + a1 x b0) << 8 + (a1 x b1) << 16
i.e. decomposing the four byte result <d0-3> as:
LSB | d0 | d1 | d2 | d3 | MSB
| a0 x b0 |
+ | a0 b1 + a1 b0 | <= this is a 17 bit result
+ | a1 x b1 |
This expression still has four multiplies (and several 16 bit adds)
so doesn't help us much. But consider the product (a0 - a1) x (b0 - b1)
which involves the same terms:
(a1 - a0) x (b1 - b0) = a0 x b0 - (a0 x b1 + a1 x b0) + a1 x b1
rearranging we get
(a0 x b1 + a1 x b0) = (a1 - a0) x (b1 - b0) + a0 x b0 + a1 x b1
so we can rewrite our original product as
| d0 | d1 | d2 | d3 |
| a0 x b0 |
- | (a1-a0)(b1-b0)| <= signed multiply
+ | a0 x b0 |
+ | a1 x b1 |
+ | a1 x b1 |
This only has three 8 bit multiplies, two of them used twice,
but one of them is signed. We can avoid that by
evaluating |a1-a0| x |b1-b0| = | (a1-a0)(b1-b0) |
as an unsigned multiply, and tracking a sign bit based on
whether we have to flip 0, 1 or 2 signs to get the two |.| terms.
Writing |a1 - a0| as a01 and likewise for b01, with sign bit s01
our result becomes
| d0 | d1 | d2 | d3 |
| a0 x b0 | a1 x b1 |
+ | a0 x b0 |
+ | a1 x b1 |
-s01 | |a01| x |b01| |
Let's try a worked example with $FEED * $CAFE = $CA23F126.
So we have:
a0 = ED, a1 = FE, b0 = FE, b1 = CA
a0 x a1 = EB26, b0 x b1 = C86C
a01 = |ED-FE| = 11, b01 = | FE-CA| = 34, s01=-1
a01 * b01 = 0374
Plugging in to our tableau we get the desired
result in d0..d3, mapped to our normal forth
NUXI layout of 2,x 3,x 0,x and 1,x:
| d0 | d1 | d2 | d3 |
| 26 EB | 6C C8 |
+ | 26 EB |
+ | 6C C8 |
-- | 74 03 |
| 26 | F1 | 23 | CA |
| 2,x | 3,x | 0,x | 1,x |
Our implementation will arange the stack like this:
| 2,x | 3,x | 0,x | 1,x | fe,x | ff,x |
| a0 | a1 | b0 | b1 | |a01| | |b01| |
... computations ensue ...
| d0 | d1 | d2 | d3 |
; first set up |a01| and |b01| past top of stack
; and swap the positions of a1 and b0
ldy 0,x ; stash Y=b0 so we can swap a1 <-> b0
lda 3,x ; a1
sta 0,x ; a1 -> b0 for a1 x b1
sty 3,x ; b0 -> a1 for a0 x b0
ldy #1 ; track the sign bit of (a1-a0)(b1-b0), where odd means -ve
sbc 2,x ; a1 - a0
bcs + ; no borrow so a1-a0 is positive
eor #$ff ; otherwise negate result
iny ; flip sign
sec ; reset carry
sta $fe,x ; | a1 - a0 |
lda 1,x ; b1
sbc 3,x ; b0
bcs +
eor #$ff
iny ; flip sign
sta $ff,x ; | b1 - b0 |
sty sgn ; y counts 1, 2 or 3 flips, so bit 0 gives sign
; now we do three in-place multiplies of the stack values
; to get a0 x b0, a1 x b1 and a01 x b01
; we'll cycle x => x-2 (mul) => x (mul) => x + 2 (mul) => x
; to multiply at fe/ff, 0/1, 2/3 relative to original x
; and leave with it unchanged.
; there's probably room for improvement here
ldy #3
; multiply 0,x by 1,x in place
lda 1,x ; short-circuit if either input is zero
beq _z1
lda 0,x
beq _z0
dec 1,x ; decrement multiplicand so we can add with carry set
lsr ; shift low bit of multiplier
sta 0,x ; and store it
lda #0 ; A is now current 8-bit window on result
bcc +
adc 1,x ; add the multiplicand - 1 + carry=1
lsr ; shift out low bit of result
; we can skip if A is still zero since it C=0 already
ror 0,x
bcc +
adc 1,x
.rept 6
ror ; shift out low bit of result window
ror 0,x ; roll it in to multiplier, fetching next bit
bcc +
adc 1,x
ror 0,x
_z0: ; exit case for 0,x is zero, when A is also zero
sta 1,x ; store the high byte
beq _loop_end
bra _mul8x8
_z1: stz 0,x ; exit case when 1,x is 0
bra _mul_end ; just set 0,x to 0
After the in-place multiplies we've got this layout, with sign s01 from the parity bit of sgn
| 2,x | 3,x | 0,x | 1,x | fe,x | ff,x |
| a0 x b0 | a1 x b1 | |a01 x b01| |
| v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
And still need:
+ | a0 x b0 |
+ | a1 x b1 |
-s01 | |a01 x b01| |
to finally arrive at:
| d0 | d1 | d2 | d3 |
In terms of the values we currently have:
d0 = v0 (done!)
d1 = v1 + v0 + v2 +/- v4
d2 = v2 + v1 + v3 +/- v5 (+ carries)
d3 = v3 (+ carries)
Note the shared v1+v2 term in both d1 and d2
lda 3,x
adc 0,x ; v1 + v2
; carry is tricky, since it should increment both d2 (from d1)
; and d3 (from d2). incrementing v3 accomplishes both
; since we'll add it to d2 momentarily
bcc +
inc 1,x ; d3 ++
adc 2,x
sta 3,x ; v0 + (v1 + v2) => d1
adc 1,x
sta 0,x ; v3 + (v1 + v2) => d2
bcc +
inc 1,x ; carry to d3
; Finally add or subtract | a01 x b01 | based on sgn
lda 3,x ; start with d1 in either case
ror sgn ; sign bit to carry (with clc for add, sec for subtract)
bcc _add
; subtract: d1/d2 -= | a01 x b01 |
sbc $fe,x
sta 3,x
lda 0,x
sbc $ff,x
sta 0,x
bcs +
dec 1,x ; borrow from d3
; add: d1/d2 += | a01 x b01 |
adc $fe,x
sta 3,x
lda 0,x
adc $ff,x
sta 0,x
bcc +
inc 1,x ; carry to d3