I am trying to bring up my SC28L92 on my new SBC (see
this post for hardware spec) and so to start, I just want some blinky lights. My hardware has LEDs connected from +5V to TxD and RxD lines so I thought if I can set Tx via the 28L92, I should be able to see some lights!
However, these efforts have failed so far. Here's what I tried (note that the 28L92 is located at base address $BFC0):
LDA #$30 ; reset transmitter
STA $BFC2 ; send to CRA
LDA #$04 ; enable transmitter
LDA #$60 ; assert TxD LOW. this _should_ turn on the light!
Sending a BRK start command should have turned the light on but it did not
Do I need to actually set up all the baud rates, oscillator dividers, etc. in MRx before I can turn the transmitter on?
Things like writing to and reading from the miscellaneous register work. I can write to c/t upper/lower and lock those values in via a C/T start register read. So basic access appears to be working. Perhaps I am abusing the transmitter function but it seems like it should have worked.