Here is a 65C816 puzzle I found interesting: how to copy the m or x flag into a flag that you can branch on (i.e. the n, v, z, or c flag). In fact, it can be thought of as four sub-puzzles in one, which I have arranged (roughly) in order of increasing difficulty.
The rules are:
A. BPL, BVC, BNE, or BCC must branch to the 16-bit case, i.e. n,v,z, or c is 0 when m or x is 0. (Therefore, BMI, BVS, BEQ, or BCS would branch to the 8-bit case). The other way around is not a valid solution. (From a practical standpoint, it shouldn't matter which branch instruction covers which case, but this restriction makes the puzzles slightly more challenging.)
B. It must produce a correct result no matter what the initial values of the registers and flags are. In particular, you may not assume that the DBR bank is RAM (it could be ROM); in other words, STA ABS does not necessarily store A in a RAM location (unless your code specifically sets the DBR to a RAM bank). Likewise, you may not assume that D register would reference RAM (it might reference I/O); in other words STA DP does not necessarily store in RAM location (unless your code specifically sets the D register to a RAM location). However, you may, if you wish, assume that the S register will reference RAM; in other words, you may use PHA and PLA (or LDA 1,S) if you like.
The (sub)puzzles are:
1. What is the smallest code that will copy the m flag into a flag you can branch on? For a minimal size solution, what is the fewest number of flags, registers, and RAM locations that must be overwritten?
2. Same as #1 (both questions), except copying the x flag instead of the m flag.
3. Same as #1 (both questions), except that all registers (except the P register), all RAM locations, and all flags that can't be branched on (i.e. the m, x, b, d, i, and e flags) must be preserved; in other words, if you are copying the m flag to the v flag you may overwrite the n, z, and c flags, but you must preserve the d flag.
4. Same as #3, except copying the x flag instead of the m flag.
There are multiple answers for each (sub)puzzle. The best I could do was 3 bytes for #1, and #2, and 4 bytes for #3 and #4. (Note that this byte count does not include any subsequent BCC etc. instruction.)