I was able to procure a 65802 for a //e of mine. To celebrate, I decided to finally implement a native 16 bit version of the PLASMA VM. Comparing the code to the 8 bit 6502 implementation, I think the 65802 is my new favorite 8 bit CPU
It significantly shrunk the code for every operation (except CALL and RET - see below), probably due to the fact that PLASMA is a 16 bit stack machine and the 65802 really caters to that architecture. Now I wish WDC had shipped only 65802s after 1986 instead of 6502s (and that they weren't so hard to source now). Of course this works on the 65816, too, but PLASMA doesn't take advantage of the additional memory space. The only concession I had to make was translate the hardware stack used on the 65802 to the zero page evaluation stack used by the 6502 during CALL/RETs. This was so I could continue using all the assembly library code written using the zero page stack implementation.
Along with some compiler improvements and new language features, I may have to call it 1.0 soon.
For your enjoyment:
https://github.com/dschmenk/PLASMA/blob ... /plvm802.sDave...