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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:49 pm 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 134
I was looking for a simple 6502 disassembler a couple days ago and couldn't really find what I wanted.
I found a great assortment of Windows based disassemblers, but being a Linux user, I generally keep away from Windows, and while I did find some disassembler code that was happy to compile, the result appeared to target a specific assembler. All's I wanted was a standard disassembly like the 'd' command in the old 6502 monitor programs. Perhaps I didn't look hard enough.

So yesterday I wrote one, MOS 6502 Instruction set only (though an update to 65c02 should be quite simple), and outputs standard disassembly like the old monitors.
Attached along with the source is a compiled version for Windows users (command line).

The source is shorter than some of the 6502 ASM code posted around here, so here it is in all its ugliness.
I really don't do much C coding (next to none) so there might be some silliness in the code that needs pointing out to me.

/* d6502 v0.4 */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {

        FILE *file;
        char *buffer;
        unsigned long fileLen;
        int address;
        int i;
        int currentbyte;
        int previousbyte;
        int paramcount;
        int addrmode;
        char *opcode;
        char *pad;
        char *pre;
        char *post;

     // Padding for 1,2 & 3 byte instructions
        char *padding[3] = {"        ","    ",""};

     // 57 Instructions + Undefined ("???")
        char *instruction[58] = {
     //       0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
            "ADC","AND","ASL","BCC","BCS","BEQ","BIT","BMI","BNE","BPL", // 0
            "BRK","BVC","BVS","CLC","CLD","CLI","CLV","CMP","CPX","CPY", // 1
            "DEC","DEX","DEY","EOR","INC","INX","INY","JMP","JSR","LDA", // 2
            "LDX","LDY","LSR","NOP","ORA","PHA","PHP","PLA","PLP","ROL", // 3
            "ROR","ROT","RTI","RTS","SBC","SEC","SED","SEI","STA","STX", // 4
            "STY","TAX","TAY","TSX","TXA","TXS","TYA","???"};            // 5

     // This is a lookup of the text formating required for mode output, plus one entry to distinguish relative mode
        char *modes[9][2]={{"",""},{"#",""},{"",",X"},{"",",Y"},{"(",",X)"},{"(","),Y"},{"(",")"},{"A",""},{"",""}};

     // Opcode Properties for 256 opcodes {length_in_bytes, mnemonic_lookup, mode_chars_lookup}
        int opcode_props[256][3] = {
     //         0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        A        B        C        D        E        F
     //     ******** -------- ******** -------- ******** -------- ******** -------- ******** -------- ******** -------- ******** -------- ******** --------
            {1,10,0},{2,34,4},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,34,0},{2,2,0}, {1,57,0},{1,36,0},{2,34,1},{1,2,7}, {1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,34,0},{3,2,0}, {1,57,0}, // 0
            {2,9,8}, {2,34,5},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,34,2},{2,2,2}, {1,57,0},{1,13,0},{3,34,3},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,34,2},{3,2,2}, {1,57,0}, // 1
            {3,28,0},{2,1,4}, {1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,6,0}, {2,1,0}, {2,39,0},{1,57,0},{1,38,0},{2,1,1}, {1,39,7},{1,57,0},{3,6,0}, {3,1,0}, {3,39,0},{1,57,0}, // 2
            {2,7,8}, {2,1,5}, {1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,1,2}, {2,39,2},{1,57,0},{1,45,0},{3,1,3}, {1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,1,2}, {3,39,2},{1,57,0}, // 3
            {1,42,0},{2,23,4},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,23,0},{2,32,0},{1,57,0},{1,35,0},{2,23,1},{1,32,7},{1,57,0},{3,27,0},{3,23,0},{3,32,0},{1,57,0}, // 4
            {2,11,8},{2,23,5},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,23,2},{2,32,2},{1,57,0},{1,15,0},{3,23,3},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,23,2},{3,32,2},{1,57,0}, // 5
            {1,43,0},{2,0,4}, {1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,0,0}, {2,40,0},{1,57,0},{1,37,0},{2,0,1}, {1,40,7},{1,57,0},{3,27,6},{3,0,0}, {3,40,0},{1,57,0}, // 6
            {2,12,8},{2,0,5}, {1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,0,2}, {2,40,2},{1,57,0},{1,47,0},{3,0,3}, {1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,0,2}, {3,40,2},{1,57,0}, // 7
            {1,57,0},{2,48,4},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,50,0},{2,48,0},{2,49,0},{1,57,0},{1,22,0},{1,57,0},{1,54,0},{1,57,0},{3,50,0},{3,48,0},{3,49,0},{1,57,0}, // 8
            {2,3,8}, {2,48,5},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,50,2},{2,48,2},{2,49,3},{1,57,0},{1,56,0},{3,48,3},{1,55,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,48,2},{1,57,0},{1,57,0}, // 9
            {2,31,1},{2,29,4},{2,30,1},{1,57,0},{2,31,0},{2,29,0},{2,30,0},{1,57,0},{1,52,0},{2,29,1},{1,51,0},{1,57,0},{3,31,0},{3,29,0},{3,30,0},{1,57,0}, // A
            {2,4,8}, {2,29,5},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,31,2},{2,29,2},{2,30,3},{1,57,0},{1,16,0},{3,29,3},{1,53,0},{1,57,0},{3,31,2},{3,29,2},{3,30,3},{1,57,0}, // B
            {2,19,1},{2,17,4},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,19,0},{2,17,0},{2,20,0},{1,57,0},{1,26,0},{2,17,1},{1,21,0},{1,57,0},{3,19,0},{3,17,0},{3,20,0},{1,57,0}, // C
            {2,8,8}, {2,17,5},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,17,2},{2,20,2},{1,57,0},{1,14,0},{3,17,3},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,17,2},{3,20,2},{1,57,0}, // D
            {2,18,1},{2,44,4},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,18,0},{2,44,0},{2,24,0},{1,57,0},{1,25,0},{2,44,1},{1,33,0},{1,57,0},{3,18,0},{3,44,0},{3,24,0},{1,57,0}, // E
            {2,5,8}, {2,44,5},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{2,44,2},{2,24,2},{1,57,0},{1,46,0},{3,44,3},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{1,57,0},{3,44,2},{3,24,2},{1,57,0}  // F

        if (argc < 2) {                                                 //If no parameters given, display usage instructions and exit.
            fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename address\n\n", argv[0]);
            fprintf(stderr, "Example: %s dump.rom E000\n", argv[0]);

        if (argc == 3) {
            address = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 16);                        //If second parameter, accept it as HEX address for start of dissasembly.

        file = fopen(argv[1], "rb");                                    //Open file
        if (!file) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s", argv[1]);             //Error if file not found

        fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);                                       //Seek to end of file to find length
        fileLen = ftell(file);
        fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);                                       //And back to the start

        buffer = (char * ) malloc(fileLen + 1);                         //Set up file buffer

        if (!buffer) {                                                  //If memory allocation error...
            fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error!");                //...display message...
            fclose(file);                                               //...and close file

        fread(buffer, fileLen, 1, file);                                //Read entire file into buffer and...
        fclose(file);                                                   //...close file

        paramcount = 0;
        printf("                  * = $%04X \n", address);              //Display org address

        for (i = 0; i < fileLen; ++i) {                                 //Start proccessing loop.
            previousbyte = currentbyte;
            currentbyte = ((unsigned char * ) buffer)[i];
            if (paramcount == 0) {
                printf("$%04X   ", address);                            //Display current address at beginning of line
                paramcount = opcode_props[currentbyte][0];              //Get instruction length
                opcode = instruction[opcode_props[currentbyte][1]];     //Get opcode name
                addrmode = opcode_props[currentbyte][2];                //Get info required to display addressing mode
                pre = modes[addrmode][0];                               //Look up pre-operand formatting text
                post = modes[addrmode][1];                              //Look up post-operand formatting text
                pad = padding[(paramcount - 1)];                        //Calculate correct padding for output alignment
                address = address + paramcount;                         //Increment address
            if (paramcount != 0)                                        //Keep track of possition within instruction
                paramcount = paramcount - 1;
            printf("$%02X ", currentbyte);                              //Display the current byte in HEX
            if (paramcount == 0) {
                printf(" %s %s %s", pad, opcode, pre);                  //Pad text, display instruction name and pre-operand chars
                if(!strcmp (pad,"    " )) {                             //Check if single operand instruction
                    if (addrmode != 8) {                                //If not using relative addressing ...
                        printf("$%02X", currentbyte);                   //...display operand
                    } else {                                            //Addressing mode is relative...
                        printf("$%04X", (address + ((currentbyte < 128) ? currentbyte : currentbyte - 256))); //...display relative address.
                if(!strcmp (pad,"" ))                                   //Check if two operand instruction and if so...
                    printf("$%02X%02X", currentbyte, previousbyte);     //...display operand
                printf("%s\n", post);                                   //Display post-operand chars
        printf("$%04X                .END\n", address);                 //Add .END directive to end of output
        free(buffer);                                                   //Return buffer memory to the system
        return 0;                                                       //All done, exit to the OS

d6502.zip [6.7 KiB]
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Last edited by Cray Ze on Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:36 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:28 pm 
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Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:28 pm
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That's quick work, and the result is certainly short and sweet! Seems to be working too - one way to test it would be to find a way to reassemble the output, or compare it with a listing from assembling the input, and using a test file with all the instructions used.

I got a couple of warnings when compiling, not sure if there was any ill effect:
warning: result of comparison against a string literal is unspecified (use strncmp instead)

It doesn't like comparing pad with a literal string on lines 112 and 119.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:35 pm 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 134
BigEd wrote:
That's quick work, and the result is certainly short and sweet! Seems to be working too - one way to test it would be to find a way to reassemble the output, or compare it with a listing from assembling the input, and using a test file with all the instructions used.

I'm yet to find an assembler that isn't confused by the address and instruction bytes being present. Maybe not looking hard enough again, might have to write one.

BigEd wrote:
I got a couple of warnings when compiling, not sure if there was any ill effect:
warning: result of comparison against a string literal is unspecified (use strncmp instead)

It doesn't like comparing pad with a literal string on lines 112 and 119.

Thanks for that, interestingly, gcc didn't give me any warnings at all but it should be fixed now. New archive attached (also fixed the code block in the initial post).

d6502.zip [6.75 KiB]
Downloaded 356 times
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:51 pm 
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I ran a comparison against the run6502 disassembler, using Klaus' test suite as a testcase, and found just one important difference:
should be

One small difference is that branch target addresses are not zero-padded to be always 4 hex digits, and a second is that run6502 puts a $ in front of all hex constants. Those are cosmetic, of course.

Good job!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:07 am 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 134
BigEd wrote:
I ran a comparison against the run6502 disassembler, using Klaus' test suite as a testcase, and found just one important difference:
should be

Ooops, the entry at 6A in the opcode table should be {1,40,7} and not {1,41,7} - fixed in initial post again.

BigEd wrote:
One small difference is that branch target addresses are not zero-padded to be always 4 hex digits, and a second is that run6502 puts a $ in front of all hex constants. Those are cosmetic, of course.

The lack of zero padding was a bug, fixed now as well. Not sure on the $ though, it seems to vary across monitors / disassemblers, lots of the old-school monitor programs left them off everything but mnemonics, likely due to limited screen width. I'll have to either settle on a format or provide some options switches.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:13 am 
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Thanks for the quick fix! I suspect a disassembler can grow and grow, which isn't necessarily the best thing. A quick and minimal one which is easy to tweak could be very useful. (I'm sure there are more than the few presently listed at http://6502.org/tools/asm/, in particular there's at least one which tries to find all the reachable code in an image, and emits labels for target addresses.)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:44 am 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
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There are some enhancements that won't cause too much growth, I'll update it with some options to tweak the formatting along with 65c02 (selectable) support.
I've already been thinking about various ways to walk the code and generate labels, though I'll leave that to the next round.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:45 am 
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Could you perhaps leave the simple minimal one as-is and attach a second fully featured one?

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:48 am 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
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Yes, I can leave this one as is, or make a final update with the $ turned on if it's preferable (screen width not being an issue these days).
It's at a great point for tweaking now as it's still small enough to easily understand.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:27 pm 
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It might be good to put the dollar in - after all it's easy for the user to strip it out, in an editor or using the command line, whereas inserting it after the fact would be much more tricky.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:47 pm 

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BigEd wrote:
It might be good to put the dollar in - after all it's easy for the user to strip it out, in an editor or using the command line, whereas inserting it after the fact would be much more tricky.

Okay, dollar symbols enabled, new archive attached and initial post updated.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:49 pm 
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:42 am
Posts: 351
Here's another (possibly) even more minimal one:
https://github.com/hoglet67/AtomBusMon/ ... /dis6502.c

This one had to fit inside the block RAM of a XC3S250E FPGA (it's part of ICE T65).

The original code was part of Tom Walker's Atomulator (Acorn Atom Emulator).


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:48 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:27 am
Posts: 674
radare can do commandline binary file disassembly.

rasm2 -a 6502 -D -B -o starting-address -f filename

Lowercase -d to get just the instructions.

WFDis Interactive 6502 Disassembler
AcheronVM: A Reconfigurable 16-bit Virtual CPU for the 6502 Microprocessor

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:28 am 

Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 134
hoglet wrote:
Here's another (possibly) even more minimal one:
https://github.com/hoglet67/AtomBusMon/ ... /dis6502.c
Wow, nice, that one does look very small. Thanks for the link, a nice project you have there.
It might be possible to reduce it down even further, I'll have a play later and see what's possible.

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