Check out
Dave Hassler ... he has a relatively new
youtube channel where he explores the limits of what can be done with only a few KB of RAM on his PAL-1 or KIM-1. Obviously, machine language is the king, but what about
tiny interpreters, for a more user-friendly experience? I contacted him privately to explain how to use VTL02C's built-in PEEK and POKE, and he was very friendly and gracious (he hadn't realized that they were there and ready to use, and had fabricated his own versions).
Please show him some views and likes if you dig what he's laying down. He seems to have had a very creative and productive 2023, at least in the 6502 hobby arena.
Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some
VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!
Mike B.
(about me) (learning how to github)