I belatedly discovered that the version of the string manipulation library that is posted in the
Code section of 6502.org is missing the
strncpy (string copy) function. I have submitted an updated copy of the library to Mike to replace the old one.
Meanwhile, if anyone needs the
strcpy function, it's attached as a text file.
Incidentally, here's a synopsis of what's in the string library:
W65C816S STRING MANIPULATION LIBRARY V2 is a collection of 16-bit W65C816S native mode assembly language subroutines that perform a variety of useful character string operations. All functions are designed to take advantage of the W65C816S microprocessor’s enhanced features and to facilitate integration with other native mode 65C816 software. No predefined storage allocation is required for any library function.
The following functions are implemented:
- strcat — Catenate (concatenate) two strings.
- strchr — Find a character in a string.
- strcmp — Compare two strings.
- strcpy — Copy a string to another string.
- strdel — Delete a substring from a string.
- strins — Insert a substring into a string.
- strlen — Return the length of a string.
- strpat — Compare two strings using ? and * wildcard pattern matching.
- strprn — Print a character string.
- strstr — Find a substring in a string.
- strsub — Copy a substring from a string.
File comment: strncpy - String Copy Function Source Code
strcpy.txt [8.2 KiB]
Downloaded 133 times
This just in!
Mike posted the updated library copy.