The 6809 uses LEA for "
Load Effective Address," and then adds a letter to tell where. Anyway, PHA, PHX, and PHY push words if you have them in 16-bit mode; so PHW could be rather ambiguous.
The programming manual says,
The 65802 and the 65816 provide three instructions which push, not registers, but absolute, indirect, and relative addresses straight onto the stack. These three instructions are PEA, PEI, and PER, the push effective address instructions.
[emphasis added] meaning the "A" stands for "absolute," not "address," and, as the manual further says, it could be anything. If 65-family mnemonics had four letters, all three of these would add an "A" at the end for "address."
teamtempest wrote:
PEI $12 ;direct (unofficial)
That actually makes more sense than:Code:
PEI ($12) ;indirect (official)
since the instruction pushes the word stored at $12-$13, and not the content of an address stored at $12-$13.I would say that pushing the
content of an address stored at $12-$13 would make it a
double indirect. I think the PEI as an indirect makes perfect sense because it is indeed that-- an indirect. It does not push a $12, but rather gets its data to push by reading the contents of address $12 & 13.