I have some simple 6502 type assembler directives using the tass64 assembler as follows:-
.if DeBugSubRoutne | DB_Main = True
Prog_DataBRK = MemoryTop+$800 ; Increments need to be whole "$200"
Prog_DataBRK = MemoryTop ; Upper Program Memory Stop!!
UpperMemLimit = Prog_DataBRK-1
; -------
When Assembling th code the assembler creates a list file as follows:-
=$1000 LowerMemLimit = $1000
=$4300 MemoryTop = $4300
=19200 Prog_DataBRK = MemoryTop+$800 ; Increments need to be whole "$200"
=19199 UpperMemLimit = Prog_DataBRK-1
My simple questin is how do I force the assembler to print the "Prog_DataBRK" in HEX format,.. I have tried some variations around using $ sign and looked through the docs,.. all to no avail,.. does anyone know if this is possible, and that I have missed the obvious..
Many Tx