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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 11:03 am 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 8:48 pm
Posts: 59

My 65816 assembler can be downloaded from
--- link deleted ---

Can someone please test it for me .


supported mnemonics :


supported commands

.ascii , .byte , .word , .incbin

.incbin or bin command will allow you to load extrnal binary file to your project . max size is set to 32k

Last edited by bound on Sun May 15, 2011 9:55 am, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 7:16 pm 
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Joined: Thu May 28, 2009 9:46 pm
Posts: 8395
Location: Midwestern USA
bound wrote:
My 65816 assembler can be downloaded...

Is there any documentation for it? Kind of hard to test if one doesn't know what it expects.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 7:24 pm 
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Joined: Thu May 28, 2009 9:46 pm
Posts: 8395
Location: Midwestern USA
bound wrote:
My 65816 assembler can be downloaded...

Right out of the gate there's a strange problem:

;test relative branching
baseaddr =$1ff2                ;base address
targ     =baseaddr+$07         ;branch target
addra    =$00                  ;base address
addrb    =$08                  ;target address
addrc    =$10                  ;computed target address
offset   =$18                  ;branch offset
         ldx #<baseaddr
         ldy #>baseaddr
         stx addra             ;branch instruction +2
         sty addra+1
         ldx #<targ
         ldy #>targ
         stx addrb             ;branch target
         sty addrb+1
addrboff sec
         lda addrb             ;target address LSB
         sbc addra             ;opcode address +2 LSB
         sta offset            ;offset LSB
         lda addrb+1           ;target address MSB
         sbc addra+1           ;opcode address +2 MSB
         sta offset+1          ;offset MSB
         bcs .0000100          ;forward branch
;   process backward branch...
         bpl .0000020          ;out of range
.0000010 eor #@11111111        ;offset MSB 2's compliment
         bne .0000020          ;backward branch out of range
         bit offset
         bmi .0000030          ;in range
.0000020 sec
.0000030 clc
;   process forward branch...
.0000100 bne .0000020          ;out of range
         bit offset
         bmi .0000020          ;out of range
;   recompute target...
         ldx #<baseaddr
         ldy #>baseaddr
         stx addra
         sty addra+1
         lda addra             ;base address LSB
         ldy addra+1           ;base address MSB
         bit offset            ;branch offset
         bpl .0000040          ;forward branch
         dey                   ;backward branch
.0000040 clc
         adc offset            ;calculate target address LSB
         sta addrc             ;address LSB
         tya                   ;adjusted base address MSB
         adc #0                ;calculate target address MSB
         sta addrc+1           ;address MSB

The assembler thinks the BRK opcode is a label, as you will see when you try to assemble the above. Also, it took me a bit to figure out how to assemble (not compile) the code. :) Where's the assembly listing, symbol table output and executable file?

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:02 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 8:48 pm
Posts: 59
Hi .

well , I'm still working on this assembler so is not finish yet .
All it should do is to ASSEMBLE :) the code to binary file .
In did brk is taken as a label , i will fix it tomorrow . Thanks for your time !


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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:06 am 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 8:48 pm
Posts: 59
good morning .

I have fix the problem with BRK instruction. So please do some more tests for me .

After assemble (without errors ) the binary file will be created in source directory.

fixed version :
--- link deleted ---

Thanks allot for your help.

ps 1: this assembler is in very early state so please be patient .

ps 2:assembly listing, symbol table ( if you mean labels list , then is available under view ) will be added but first of all I need to test the "assembly engine"

ps 3: hire is some example code .

   rep   #$30
 org $1000


   adc   ($11,x)                  ; $79   (indirect,x)
   adc   $12,s                  ; $63   Stack relatve
   adc   $12                     ; $65   zeropage/DirectPage
   adc     [$33]                  ; $67   Direct Page LONG         65816
   adc   #$20                            ; $69   immediate
   adc   $1234                   ; $6d   absolute
   adc   $123456                ; $6d   absolute LONG
   adc   ($22),y                  ; $71   (indirect),y
   adc   ($22)                  ; $72   (indirect)               65c02, 65816
   adc   ($22,s),y               ; $73   SR Indirect Index Y         65816
   adc   $33,x                  ; $75   zeropage,x
   adc [$33],y                  ; $77   Direct Page LONG indexed Y
   adc   $1234,y                  ; $61   absolute,y
   adc   $1234,x                  ; $7d   absolute,x
   adc   $123456,x               ; $7f   absolute,x

   and   ($11,x)                  ; $21   (indirect,x)
   and   $12,s                  ; $23   Stack relatve            65816
   and   $12                     ; $25   zeropage/DirectPage
   and [$33]                  ; $27   Direct Page LONG         65816
   and   #$55                  ; $29   immediate
   and   $1234                   ; $2d   absolute
   and   $123456                ; $2f   absolute LONG            65816
   and   ($22),y                  ; $31   (indirect),y
   and   ($22)                  ; $32   (indirect)               65c02, 65816
   and   ($22,s),y               ; $33   SR Indirect Index Y         65816
   and   $33,x                  ; $35   zeropage,x
   and [$33],y                  ; $37   Direct Page LONG indexed Y   65816
   and   $1234,y                  ; $39   absolute,y
   and   $1234,x                  ; $3d   absolute,x
   and   $123456,x               ; $3f   absolute,x               65816

   asl                        ; $0a   accumulator
   asl   $1234                  ; $0e   absolute
   asl   $00                     ; $06   zeropage
   asl   $1234,x                  ; $1e   absolute,x
   asl   $00,x                  ; $35   zeropage,x
   bcc   dan1                     ; $90   Relative
   bcs   dan2                     ; $b0   Relative
dan2   beq   dan1                     ; $f0   Relative

   bit   $1234                  ; $2c   absolute
   bit   $00                     ; $24   zeropage

   bmi   dan1                     ; $30   Relative
   bne   dan1                     ; $d0   Relative;
   bpl   dan1                   ; $10   Relative

   brk                        ; $00   implied

   bvc   dan1                   ; $50   Relative
   bvs dan1                   ; $70   Relative

   clc                        ; $18   implied
   cld                        ; $d8   implied
   cli                        ; $58   implied
   clv                        ; $b8   implied

   cmp   $1234                  ; $cd   absolute
   cmp   $00                     ; $c5   zeropage
   cmp   #$00                  ; $c9   immediate
   cmp   $1234,x                  ; $d0   absolute,x
   cmp   $1234,y                  ; $d9   absolute,y
   cmp   ($00,x)                  ; $c1   (indirect,x)
   cmp   ($00),y                  ; $d1   (indirect),y
   cmp   $00,x                  ; $d5   zeropage,x

   cpx   $1234                  ; $ec   absolute
   cpx   $00                     ; $e4   zeropage
   cpx   #$00                  ; $e0   immediate

   cpy   $1234                  ; $cc   absolute
   cpy   $00                     ; $c4   zeropage
   cpy   #$00                  ; $c0   immediate

   dec   $1234                  ; $ce   absolute
   dec   $00                     ; $c6   zeropage
   dec   $1234,x                  ; $de   absolute,x
   dec   $00,x                  ; $d6   zeropage,x

   dex                        ; $ca   implied
   dey                        ; $88   implied

   eor   $1234                  ; $4d   absolute
   eor   $00                     ; $45   zeropage
   eor   #$00                  ; $49   immediate
   eor   $1234,x                  ; $5d   absolute,x
   eor   $1234,y                  ; $59   absolute,y
   eor   ($00,x)                  ; $41   (indirect,x)
   eor   ($00),y                  ; $51   (indirect),y
   eor   $00,x                  ; $55   zeropage,x

   inc   $1234                  ; $ee   absolute
   inc   $00                     ; $e6   zeropage
   inc   $1234,x                  ; $fe   absolute,x
   inc   $00,x                  ; $f6   zeropage,x

   inx                        ; $e8   implied
   iny                        ; $c8   implied

   jmp   $1234                  ; $4c   absolute
   jmp   ($34)                  ; $6c   (indirect)

   jsr   $1234                  ; $20   absolute

   lda   $1234                  ; $ad   absolute
   lda   $00                     ; $a5   zeropage
   lda   #$00                  ; $a9   immediate
   lda   $1234,x                  ; $bd   absolute,x
   lda   $1234,y                  ; $b9   absolute,y
   lda   ($00,x)                  ; $a1   (indirect,x)
   lda   ($00),y                  ; $b1   (indirect),y
   lda   $00,x                  ; $b5   zeropage,x

   ldx   $1234                  ; $ae   absolute
   ldx   $00                     ; $a6   zeropage
   ldx   #$00                  ; $a2   immediate
   ldx   $1234,y                  ; $be   absolute,y
   ldx   $00,y                  ; $b6   zeropage,y

   ldy   $1234                  ; $ac   absolute
   ldy   $00                     ; $a4   zeropage
   ldy   #$00                  ; $a0   immediate
   ldy   $1234,x                  ; $bc   absolute,x
   ldy   $00,x                  ; $b4   zeropage,x

   lsr                        ; $4a   accumulator
   lsr   $1234                  ; $4e   absolute
   lsr   $00                     ; $46   zeropage
   lsr   $1234,x                  ; $5e   absolute,x
   lsr   $00,x                  ; $56   zeropage,x

   nop                        ; $ea   implied

   ora   $1234                  ; $0d   absolute
   ora   $00                     ; $05   zeropage
   ora   #$00                  ; $09   immediate
   ora   $1234,x                  ; $1d   absolute,x
   ora   $1234,y                  ; $19   absolute,y
   ora   ($00,x)                  ; $01   (indirect,x)
   ora   ($00),y                  ; $11   (indirect),y
   ora   $00,x                  ; $15   zeropage,x

   pha                        ; $48   implied
   php                        ; $08   implied
   pla                        ; $68   implied
   plp                        ; $28   implied

   rol                     ; $2a   accumulator
   rol   $1234                  ; $2e   absolute
   rol   $00                     ; $26   zeropage
   rol   $1234,x                  ; $3e   absolute,x
   rol   $00,x                  ; $36   zeropage,x

   ror                      ; $6a   accumulator
   ror   $1234                  ; $6e   absolute
   ror   $00                     ; $66   zeropage
   ror   $1234,x                  ; $7e   absolute,x
   ror   $00,x                  ; $76   zeropage,x

   rti                        ; $40   implied
   rts                        ; $60   implied

   sbc   $1234                  ; $ed   absolute
   sbc   $00                     ; $e5   zeropage
   sbc   #$00                  ; $e9   immediate
   sbc   $1234,x                  ; $fd   absolute,x
   sbc   $1234,y                  ; $f9   absolute,y
   sbc   ($00,x)                  ; $e1   (indirect,x)
   sbc   ($00),y                  ; $f1   (indirect),y
   sbc   $00,x                  ; $f5   zeropage,x

   sec                        ; $38   implied
   sed                        ; $f8   implied
   sei                        ; $78   implied

   sta   $1234                  ; $8d   absolute
   sta   $00                     ; $85   zeropage
   sta   $1234,x                  ; $9d   absolute,x
   sta   $1234,y                  ; $99   absolute,y
   sta   ($00,x)                  ; $81   (indirect,x)
   sta   ($00),y                  ; $91   (indirect),y
   sta   $00,x                  ; $95   zeropage,x

   stx   $1234                  ; $8e   absolute
   stx   $00                     ; $86   zeropage
   stx   $00,y                  ; $96   zeropage,y

   sty   $1234                  ; $8c   absolute
   sty   $00                     ; $84   zeropage
   sty   $00,x                  ; $94   zeropage,x

   tax                        ; $aa   implied
   tay                        ; $a8   implied
   tsx                        ; $ba   implied
   txa                        ; $8a   implied
   txs                        ; $9a   implied
   tya                        ; $98   implied

   lda  #$ff
   adc  #$55
   and  #$fe
   cmp  #$12
   eor  #$55
   ora  #$55
   sbc  #$55
   bit  #$55
   ldx  #$23
   cpx  #$55
   ldy  #$23
   cpy  #$55

   lda  #$ff12
   adc  #$5513
   and  #$fe43
   cmp  #$1223
   eor  #$5534
   ora  #$5534
   sbc  #$5534
   bit  #$5534
   ldx  #$2334
   cpx  #$5534
   ldy  #$2334
   cpy  #$5534

   adc   [$34]
   adc   [$34],y

   and   [$34]
   and   [$34],y

   cmp   [$34]
   cmp   [$34],y

   eor   [$34]
   eor   [$34],y

   lda   [$34]
   lda   [$34],y

   ora   [$34]
   ora   [$34],y

   sbc   [$34]
   sbc   [$34],y

   sta   [$34]
   sta   [$34],y

   inc               ; $1A implied

.byte   0,0,0,0,0,0,0

   adc   $ffffff
   adc   $563412,x

   and   $ffffff
   and   $111111,x

   cmp   $ffffff
   cmp   $111111,x

   eor   $ffffff
   eor   $111111,x

   jmp   $7f3355
   jsr   $7f3355

   lda   $7f1234
   lda   $aaee55,x

   ora   $ffffff
   ora   $111111,x

   sbc   $ffffff
   sbc   $111111,x

   sta   $ffffff
   sta   $111111,x

.byte   0,0,0,0,0,0,0

   adc   ($55)

.byte   0,0,0,0,0,0,0

   adc   ($34)
   and   ($34)
   cmp   ($34)
   eor   ($34)
   lda   ($34)
   ora   ($34)
   sbc   ($34)
   sta   ($34)

   jmp   ($34,x)
   jsr   ($3422,x)

.byte   0,0,0,0,0,0,0

   adc   ($34,s),y
   and   ($34,s),y
   cmp   ($34,s),y
   eor   ($34,s),y
   lda   ($34,s),y
   ora   ($34,s),y
   sbc   ($34,s),y
   sta   ($34,s),y

.byte   0,0,0,0,0,0,0

   adc   $34,s
   and   $34,s
   cmp   $34,s
   eor   $34,s
   lda   $34,s
   ora   $34,s
   sbc   $34,s
   sta   $34,s

   adc   $ff,s
   adc   $00

   bit   $00,x
   bit   $1234,x
   bit   #$12


.byte   0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte   0,0,0,0,0,0,0

   mvn   $40,$50
   mvp   $f4,$33

Last edited by bound on Sun May 15, 2011 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:25 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 8:48 pm
Posts: 59
For debugging purposes I have add simple procedure which creates listing file in source directory . Hope that will help you guys to find problems .
So ones more updated file can be downloaded form --- link deleted ---


Last edited by bound on Sun May 15, 2011 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:26 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 8:48 pm
Posts: 59
nobody wants to help ? one week online , more then 200 openings and only one comment from grumbler ? . I have spend a lot of time working on this software . OK , one million dollar question .. is any one interested ??

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:15 pm 
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Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:28 pm
Posts: 10938
Location: England
Hi bound, sorry, but I'm only interested in theory - in practice I use ca65. It's good that you did the project and shared it. It might be worth putting up a simple website, and over time you'll accumulate some interest. In fact if you make it the www link in your profile, you'll get a good ranking in search results. I'm in favour of open source - do you intend to share your sources?


Edit: sadly, bound withdrew his project and his downloads. See the next page for a list of existing open-source 65816 assemblers.

Last edited by BigEd on Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:12 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:27 pm
Posts: 3258
Location: NC, USA
bound wrote:
nobody wants to help ? one week online , more then 200 openings and only one comment from grumbler ? . I have spend a lot of time working on this software . OK , one million dollar question .. is any one interested ??

One of the main problems I think is that when people get used to an editor or assembler, it's very difficult to switch and change to something different. For me, I like MK's assembler for the 6502. I know of others here, like BDD, who uses MK's assembler and even adapts it to the 65816 by making macros, which very honestly is probably what I will do as well when the time comes.

I'll tell you a software project that would be worth its weight in gold: Make an assembler/disassembler for the 65816, that will run on a 65816 and not a PC. Is there even such a program now free or payware?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:16 pm 
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ElEctric_EyE wrote:
I'll tell you a software project that would be worth its weight in gold: Make an assembler/disassembler for the 65816, that will run on a 65816 and not a PC. Is there even such a program now free or payware?

I agree with this. Hypothetically, if its written in ANSI C, CC65 would probably be able to compile it. You would only need to wrap file system support around it. And since I have CC65 working for my SBC-3, that might not be too hard to do.

Purhaps a new thread should be started though, as not to detract from Bound's project.

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:06 pm 

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8BIT wrote:
...Purhaps a new thread should be started though, as not to detract from Bound's project.

I agree. Learning how to do this would be very much appreciated!

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:41 pm 
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bound wrote:
nobody wants to help ? one week online , more then 200 openings and only one comment from grumbler ? . I have spend a lot of time working on this software . OK , one million dollar question .. is any one interested ??

I have my own cross-platform macro assembler/linker package written in Java. It serves all my needs for 6501/6502/65C02/65816/65832.

Andrew Jacobs
6502 & PIC Stuff - http://www.obelisk.me.uk/
Cross-Platform 6502/65C02/65816 Macro Assembler - http://www.obelisk.me.uk/dev65/
Open Source Projects - https://github.com/andrew-jacobs

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 6:44 am 
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BitWise wrote:
bound wrote:
nobody wants to help ? one week online , more then 200 openings and only one comment from grumbler ? . I have spend a lot of time working on this software . OK , one million dollar question .. is any one interested ??

I have my own cross-platform macro assembler/linker package written in Java. It serves all my needs for 6501/6502/65C02/65816/65832.

I *hate* Java. :P

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:05 am 
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bound wrote:
nobody wants to help ? one week online , more then 200 openings and only one comment from grumbler ? . I have spend a lot of time working on this software . OK , one million dollar question .. is any one interested ??

I've been super-busy the last several days with revenue work, so haven't had much time to fiddle with my 65xx "toys." I might be able to get back to it in a few days. By the way, I'm not a "grumbler." Having pounded on assemblers of one sort or another for over 40 years, I know what I like. See following comments.

ElEctric_EyE wrote:
One of the main problems I think is that when people get used to an editor or assembler, it's very difficult to switch and change to something different.

Editor/assembler combinations are to bare-metal programmers as guitars are to rock musicians. You get familiar with the package, it's quirks and how to use it to quickly produce quality code. There's a rhythm to it that gets broken when a switch is made to a different package. That's part and parcel of changing anything, but is particularly an issue for a programmer. It especially becomes an issue when non-standard syntax is used in the new assembler (e.g., non-standard radices, the on-going debate concerning ASL A vs. ASL, etc.).

I'll tell you a software project that would be worth its weight in gold: Make an assembler/disassembler for the 65816, that will run on a 65816 and not a PC. Is there even such a program now free or payware?

The BIOS ROM in my POC unit has a full-tilt machine code monitor that runs in 65C816 native mode and makes extensive use of the MPU's features, including 16 bit operations and those nifty MVN/MVP instructions. The monitor includes an assembler/disassembler that supports all '816 instructions in all addressing modes. One of my things to do 65xx-wise is extract the monitor from the rest of the ROM and make it available here as source code. There will be some machine-dependent I/O matters to resolve, as well as minor assembler syntax snags, but nothing that anyone here can't handle.

x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't NEED no stinking x86!

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:15 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:45 am
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I think its a worthy project. Sure a lot of guys like the sound of their steel guitars. But I for one am always interested in other options. I dont have much issue with the possibility of a better mousetrap.
I like the idea of having a straight up 816 compiler.

I also would like to know if your planning on open source on this so that it can be made to operate native on 816 hardware?

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