It turned out I could extract some sections from the firmware listing file for POC V1.1 and provide information that might help you.
01135 ;
01136 ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
01137 ; This file contains definitions that are used in DUART & QUART setup
01138 ; tables. Any changes to device configuration should be made herein, &
01139 ; no changes should be made to the setup tables themselves unless a new
01140 ; function is being added or an existing function is being removed.
01141 ;
01142 ; The constants in this file are applicable to the 26C92, 28L92 & 28C94
01143 ; only. Consult with the appropriate data sheets before changing any-
01144 ; thing & be sure to make a backup copy of this file before you do make
01145 ; changes. DO NOT use this setup data with the 2692!
01146 ;
01147 ; The values used to select baud & counter/timer (C/T) rates are based
01148 ; upon use of the recommended 3.6864 MHz X1 clock.
01149 ; —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
01150 ;
01151 4000 nxx1freq =3686400 ;X1 clock frequency in Hz
01152 2000 nxctscal =nxx1freq/2 ;C/T scaled clock
01153 ;
01154 ;
01155 ; ACR — auxiliary control register
01156 ;
01157 0060 nxparbrt =@01100000 ;...
01158 ;
01159 ; a) Use baud rate table #1 —— see data sheet.
01160 ; b) C/T acts as a timer.
01161 ; c) C/T clock source is scaled to X1 ÷ 1.
01162 ;
01163 ;
01164 ; CR — command register...
01165 ;
01166 0001 nxpcrrxe =@00000001 ;enable receiver
01167 0002 nxpcrrxd =@00000010 ;disable receiver
01168 0004 nxpcrtxe =@00000100 ;enable transmitter
01169 0008 nxpcrtxd =@00001000 ;disable transmitter
01170 0010 nxpcrmr1 =@00010000 ;select MR1
01171 0020 nxpcrrxr =@00100000 ;reset receiver
01172 0030 nxpcrtxr =@00110000 ;reset transmitter
01173 0040 nxpcresr =@01000000 ;reset error status
01174 0050 nxpcrbir =@01010000 ;reset received break change IRQ
01175 0060 nxpcrbks =@01100000 ;start break
01176 0070 nxpcrbke =@01110000 ;stop break
01177 0080 nxpcrrsa =@10000000 ;assert request to send
01178 0090 nxpcrrsd =@10010000 ;deassert request to send
01179 00A0 nxpcrtme =@10100000 ;select C/T timer mode
01180 00B0 nxpcrmr0 =@10110000 ;select MR0
01181 00C0 nxpcrtmd =@11000000 ;select C/T counter mode
01182 00E0 nxpcrpde =@11100000 ;enable power-down mode — CRA only
01183 00F0 nxpcrpdd =@11110000 ;disable power-down mode — CRA only
01184 ;
01185 ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
01186 ; NXPCRPDD & NXPCRPDE apply to the 26C92 & are reserved in the 28L92 & the
01187 ; 28C94. These parameters should not be used in any setup function. They
01188 ; are listed here only for reference purposes. A hard reset automatically
01189 ; brings the device out of power-down mode.
01190 ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
01191 ;
01192 ;
01193 ; CSR — clock select register...
01194 ;
01195 0066 nxpcsdef =@01100110 ;RxD & TxD at 115.2 Kbps...
01196 ;
01197 ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
01198 ; The above data rate is based upon the value of NXPARBRT (above).
01199 ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
01200 ;
01201 ;
01202 ; CT — counter/timer...
01203 ;
01204 4800 nxpctdef =nxctscal/hz ;HZ underflows per second
01205 0000 nxpctdlo =<nxpctdef ;underflows/sec LSB
01206 0048 nxpctdhi =>nxpctdef ;underflows/sec MSB
01207 ;
01208 ;
01209 ; MR0 — mode 0 register...
01210 ;
01211 ; .if .ref(nx28l92)
01212 00CC nxpm0def =@11001100 ;if using a 28L92 ...
01213 ;
01214 ; 11001100
01215 ; ||||||||
01216 ; |||||+++———> extended baud rate #2
01217 ; ||||+——————> 16-deep FIFO
01218 ; ||++———————> TxD interrupts only when FIFO is empty
01219 ; |+—————————> RxD interrupts only when FIFO is full (see also MR1:6)
01220 ; +——————————> enable RxD watchdog timer
01221 ;
01222 ; .else
01223 ;nxpm0def =@11000100 ;if using a 26C92 or 28C94...
01224 ;
01225 ; 11000100
01226 ; ||||||||
01227 ; |||||+++———> extended baud rate #2
01228 ; ||||+——————> not used
01229 ; ||++———————> TxD interrupts only when FIFO is empty
01230 ; |+—————————> RxD interrupts only when FIFO is full (see also MR1:6)
01231 ; +——————————> enable RxD watchdog timer
01232 ;
01233 ; .endif
01234 ;
01235 ;
01236 ; MR1 — mode 1 register...
01237 ;
01238 00D3 nxpm1def =@11010011 ;...
01239 ;
01240 ; 11010011
01241 ; ||||||||
01242 ; ||||||++———> 8 bit char size
01243 ; |||||+—————> parity type (ignored)
01244 ; |||++——————> no parity generated or checked
01245 ; ||+————————> character error mode
01246 ; |+—————————> RxD interrupts only when FIFO is full (see also MR0:6)
01247 ; +——————————> RxD controls RTS
01248 ;
01249 ; MR2 — mode 2 register...
01250 ;
01251 0017 nxpm2def =@00010111 ;normal mode, auto RTS
01252 ;
01253 ;
01254 ; OPCR — output port configuration register...
01255 ;
01256 0000 nxpopdef =@00000000 ;no operation
01257 ;
01258 ;
01259 ; combined setup commands...
01260 ;
01261 000A nxpcrrtd =nxpcrtxd|nxpcrrxd ;disable transmitter & receiver
01262 0005 nxpcrrte =nxpcrtxe|nxpcrrxe ;enable transmitter & receiver
The above sets the patameters used to configure the 28L92 at reset.
HZ equals
100, which is the jiffy IRQ rate I use for timekeeping purposes. The symbol
@, as in
@00010111, is the radix for binary in the Kowalski assembler.
Parameters from the above table are used in the following data table:
10989 ;
10990 ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
10991 ; The following data table is used to initialize the 26C92 & 28L92 DUARTs
10992 ; following reset. Each entry in this table consists of a chip register
10993 ; offset paired with the parameter that is to be loaded into the register.
10994 ; Table entries are read in reverse order during device setup.
10995 ;
10996 ; Parameters are defined in include_hardware/uart/nxp_constants.asm & are
10997 ; to be modified there, not here. Only edit this table if you need to add
10998 ; or remove an entry. Be sure to back up nxp_constants.asm before editing
10999 ; it!
11000 ;
11001 ; NOTE: The data in nxp_constants.asm cannot be used to configure the 2692
11002 ; DUART, as it does not have TxD FIFOs.
11003 ; ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
11004 ;
11005 nxpsutab .byte nx_imr, nxpiqmsk ;IMR (enables IRQs)
11006 .byte nx_ctu, nxpctdhi ;CTU
11007 .byte nx_ctl, nxpctdlo ;CTL
11008 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrtxe ;CRB
11009 .byte nx_csrb,nxpcsdef ;CSRB
11010 .byte nx_mrb, nxpm2def ;MR2B
11011 .byte nx_mrb, nxpm1def ;MR1B
11012 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrmr1 ;CRB
11013 .byte nx_mrb, nxpm0def ;MR0B
11014 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrmr0 ;CRB
11015 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrrsa ;CRA
11016 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrrte ;CRA
11017 .byte nx_csra,nxpcsdef ;CSRA
11018 .byte nx_mra, nxpm2def ;MR2A
11019 .byte nx_mra, nxpm1def ;MR1A
11020 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrmr1 ;CRA
11021 .byte nx_mra, nxpm0def ;MR0A
11022 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrmr0 ;CRA
11023 .byte nx_acr, nxparbrt ;ACR
11024 .byte nx_opcr,nxpopdef ;OPCR
11025 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrtmd ;CRB
11026 .byte nx_crb, nxpcresr ;CRB
11027 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrbir ;CRB
11028 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrtxr ;CRB
11029 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrrxr ;CRB
11030 .byte nx_crb, nxpcrrsd ;CRB
11031 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrtmd ;CRA
11032 .byte nx_cra, nxpcresr ;CRA
11033 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrbir ;CRA
11034 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrtxr ;CRA
11035 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrrxr ;CRA
11036 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrrsd ;CRA
11037 .byte nx_cra, nxpcrpdd ;CRA
11038 .byte nx_imr, 0 ;IMR (disable IRQs)
11039 0044 s_nxptab =*-nxpsutab
The way the above table works is the first value following each
.byte pseudo-op, e.g.,
NX_IMR, is the zero-based register number. The second value is the parameter that is to be loaded into the register, said parameter having been defined in the previous table. The table is read in reverse order, which means the first operation to be performed on the DUART is the disabling of interrupts (line
011039). The expression
*-NXPSUTAB calculates the number of bytes in the table, which is used in the code that actually reads the table.
Speaking of code, here is the eight bit version of the assembly language I used to configure the DUART:
03398 ; configure DUART...
03399 ;
03400 E0B1 A0 42 ldy #s_nxptab-s_word ;DUART setup table index (S_WORD = 2)
03401 ;
03402 E0B3 BE F4 F8 .0000090 ldx nxpsutab,y ;get register
03403 E0B6 B9 F5 F8 lda nxpsutab+s_byte,y ;get parameter (S_BYTE = 1)
03404 E0B9 9D 00 D0 sta io_acia,x ;write to register (IO_ACIA defines the DUART's base address)
03405 E0BC EA nop
03406 E0BD EA nop
03407 E0BE EA nop
03408 E0BF EA nop
03409 E0C0 EA nop
03410 E0C1 88 dey
03411 E0C2 88 dey
03412 E0C3 10 EE bpl .0000090 ;next register
03413 ;
03414 E0C5 AD 0E D0 lda io_acia+nx_sct ;start C/T &...
03415 E0C8 58 cli ;allow IRQs
The delay caused by the five
NOPs gives the DUART ample time to react to each loaded parameter, assuming Ø2 does not exceed 14 MHz. Actually, the delay is only required when the most significant nybble of a command register is accessed (the data sheet says each write to a command register should be separated by three X1 clock edges, which is slightly inaccurate—the separation should be for three consecutive
falling edges, or 272 nanoseconds, assuming X1 is 3.6864 MHz). However, it's more convenient to execute a delay on every write—less code is required, and the execution time isn't significantly degraded.
When interrupts are enabled at line
03415 the counter/timer will be producing a 100 Hz jiffy IRQ, which is the timekeeping base for the system.